Alison Drain

NCFADS Speaker Alison Drain

Alison Drain



Alison Drain serves as the Prevention Coordinator, NC Problem Gambling Program for Morneau Shepell. She works within the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services in the mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse services division. Ms. Drain manages 40 high school and middle school grants, 19 university and college grants, and trains educators on the Stacked Deck evidence-based problem gambling prevention curriculum. In addition, she has over 15 years of experience working with local, state, national, and international health and human service efforts. Some examples of her experience include – counseling sexual assault and domestic violence survivors at a local family center, implementing evidence-based programs at a Boys and Girls Club, managing a nationwide undergraduate and high school apprenticeship grant program for the Army Research Office, and working with a team to put together a communication and fundraising plan for WISER International.


MAIN-H. Stacked Deck: An Evidence-based Program to Prevent Problem Gambling