Lauren Borchert

NCFADS Speaker Lauren Borchert

Lauren Borchert



Lauren Borchert, BS, is the Program Manager for Proof Alliance NC. Lauren has been in the Intellectual and Developmental Disability field since 2002. In 2004, she joined The Arc of Mecklenburg County as the Advocacy Coordinator and formed an FASD Committee for Mecklenburg County. In 2005, Lauren became the Executive Director of the agency.

Lauren continued to chair the FASD Committee of Mecklenburg until 2018 at which time she joined the staff at The Arc of North Carolina as the Brand & Outreach Manager for the state-wide organization.

During the time in which Lauren chaired the Mecklenburg committee, they hosted a variety of trainings in the Charlotte community for youth, professionals, and women of child-bearing age. This committee also led the way across the state in media and marketing campaigns that targeted the general population.

In her current position, Lauren provides education to women of child-bearing age, and the professionals who work with them about the dangers of alcohol use during pregnancy, as well as how Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) may present in an individual across the lifespan. Lauren also serves in several workgroups whose efforts focus on the prevention of FASD.