Stephanie S. Daniel, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist and Professor and Vice Chair for Research in Family and Community Medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine (WFUSOM). Dr. Daniel also holds a joint faculty appointment in Social Science and Health Policy, and serves as an Associate Director for the WFUSOM Clinical Translational Science Institute Program in Community Engaged Research. Dr. Daniel has over 30 years of continuous extramural research funding with expertise in recruiting and maintaining both clinical and community samples, and in the implementation of longitudinal and intervention development research methods. Her research focuses on risk and trajectories associated with suicidal behavior, interventions for individuals at risk for suicidal behavior, school-based health and mental health interventions with an emphasis on reducing health disparities and increasing access to quality care, and familial, social, and environmental risk and protective factors as they relate to parent well-being and child and adolescent emotional and behavioral development.