Kathy FitzJefferies

NCFADS Speaker Kathy FitzJefferies

Kathy FitzJefferies



Kathy FitzJefferies, LCSW, LCAS, CCS has over forty-three years of experience as a Clinical Addiction Social Worker. The past twenty-five years Kathy became painfully aware of the harm caused by her white privilege. She began her journey of cultural humility that steered her to become an advocate, activist, and co-conspirator for Racial Justice. Kathy has been involved in numerous organizations dedicated to dismantling racism. Currently, she a member of NAADAC’s Critical Issues in the Black Community Committee and Co-leader of the Southeastern Jurisdiction United Women of Faith Racial Justice Charter Support Team. Kathy was bestowed the President’s MLK Drum Major for Service Award for her Racial Justice work. Kathy is presently a Clinical Supervisor and Educator with Practical Applications. She is a person in long-term recovery.