Evening Sessions


You MUST attend sessions in their entirety. Certificates will be emailed AFTER Mid-March.

EVENING-A: Informational/ Educational AA Meeting

Presenters: Jon T.

Description: This session will focus on “Understanding Anonymity and Misconceptions”. How does one maintain their own recovery while working in the recovery field and problems they may have encountered? Attendees in recovery share information and learn from each others’ experiences. A primary purpose of the meeting is to share personal experiences as well as up to date and useful information to help those in recovery.

(Only NCSAPPB credit available for this session –  NO other credit available)

EVENING-B: A Brief Overview of Working With Adult Males Who Have Committed Sex Offenses

Presenter: Carrie Mitchell, MSW, LCSW, LCAS

Description: This session will provide a thorough introduction to working with a sex offender, including facts or fiction about sex offenders and statistics. An overview of the Sex Offenses Accountability and Responsibility (SOAR) rehabilitation program in the state will be provided as well as information on the Good Lives Model. Treatment suggestions for working with Sex Offenders with substance use disorders (SUD) will also be discussed.

EVENING-C: Informational/Educational NA Meeting

Presenter: Jeff C.

Description: This session will focus on: What is Narcotics Anonymous? How you can reach us and what we can do to help. A couple of us will give our experience of strength and hope.

(Only NCSAPPB credit available for this session –  NO other credit available)

EVENING-D: Talk Saves Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention

Presenter: Sarah Cothren

Description: Talk Saves Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention  covers the general scope of suicide, the research on prevention, and what people can do to fight suicide. Talk Saves Lives is AFSP’s standardized education program that provides participants with a clear understanding of this leading cause of death, including the most up-to-date research on suicide prevention, and what they can do in their communities to save lives. This workshop will include additional information specific to Seniors, LGBTQ individuals and Firearms owners. 

Participants will learn common risk factors and warning signs associated with suicide, and how to keep themselves and others safe.

Topics Covered Include:

  • Scope of the Problem: The latest data on suicide in the U.S. and worldwide.
  • Research: Information from research on what causes people to consider suicide, as well as health, historical, and environmental factors that put individuals at risk.
  • Prevention: An understanding of the protective factors that lower suicide risk, and strategies for managing mental health and being proactive about self-care.
  • What You Can Do: Guidance on warning signs and behaviors to look for, and how to get help for someone in a suicidal crisis.

(Sponsored by: American Foundation on Suicide Prevention NC Chapter)

EVENING-E: Informational/ Educational Al-Anon Meeting

Presenter: Carol L.

Description: This session will discuss the benefits of Al-Anon for families and friends of persons with addictions and substance use disorders, including services and other assistance provided across the state.

(Only NCSAPPB credit available for this session –  NO other credit available)



EVENING-F: A Comparison of Yoga Models for Addiction Recovery

Presenter: LaShanda Brown, PhD

Description: We will discuss how the synergy of ancient yogic texts and modern neuroscience have merged to create a model for recovery that supports individuals through the recovery process.  A yoga model for recovery combines yogic philosophy to address spirit, asana/bodywork, breathwork, and mindfulness to address the traumas that live within the body, and the cognitive approach of 12 step programs to address the mind.  You will discover why the yoga model of recovery can be a more holistic and sustainable model for those patients who may have used 12 step programs to maintain sobriety, only to shift dependence to other substances (like food) or behaviors (like codependence).


  • Discuss how yogic philosophy can help provide grounding and purpose during the recovery process.
  • Explain the importance of mind body connection in building resilience during recovery.
  • Demonstrate why movement and meditation support success in helping people reconnect with their body and feel less disconnected from their world.
  • Discuss why clinicians would use or recommend a yoga model for recovery for clients with a background in yoga and movement practices.