Call For Presentations

Interested in Joining the List of Esteemed Faculty for the NCFADS Summer or Winter Schools? 

The NCFADS Board of Directors want to hear from you.  As a leader in the field of addiction studies, we invite you to submit a proposal to present at an upcoming Summer or Winter School. 

To be considered for the NCFADS Summer School, please submit proposals by March 16th. Our Curriculum Committee will review all completed proposals and selected presenters will be contacted before the end of April. 

To be considered for the NCFADS Winter School, please submit proposals by July 15th. Our Curriculum Committee will review all completed proposals and selected presenters will be contacted before the end of August. 

What Topics Are We Looking For?

The NCFADS Board is looking for a wide range topics including but not limited to: 

  • Clinical Supervision
  • Ethics
  • Evidence-Based Treatment
  • Clinical Supervision
  • Nicotine Dependence
  • Psychopathology
  • Criminal Justice
  • Prevention
  • Recovery
  • Peer Support
  • Substance Use Disorder and Domestic Violence
  • Substance Use Disorder and the Elderly
  • Substance Use Disorder and Veterans
  • Group Counseling
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Session Length

NCFADS School Mini and Main Tracks are comprehensive learning courses designed to support those in the addiction field in their professional growth and development.  Session lengths range from 3 to 15 hours in duration. Plenary and evening sessions range from 1-2 hours. 

In-Person Winter Schools

  • Daytime Mini Sessions (3.5 hours) | Sunday afternoon 
  • Plenary Sessions (1-1.5 hours) | Plenary sessions are held each day of the School.    
  • Main Sessions (11-15 hours total across 3 days) | Monday afternoon, and Tuesday morning and afternoon, and Wednesday morning
  • Evening Sessions (2 hours) | These sessions take place each night from 7:00pm-9:00pm

In-Person Summer Schools

  • Daytime Mini Sessions (3.5 hours) | Tuesday morning and afternoon
  • Plenary Sessions (1-1.5 hours) | Opening, Closing and Luncheons
  • Main Sessions (15 hours across 3 days) | Wednesday morning and afternoon, Thursday morning, and Friday morning
  • Evening Sessions (2 hours) | Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening from 7:00pm-9:00pm