2024 Summer School (Virtual)

About NCFADS’ 2024 Virtual Summer School

Monday, July 29th – Thursday, August 1st

The North Carolina Foundation for Alcohol & Drug Studies (NCFADS) is excited to hold our annual 2024 Summer School virtually from Monday, July 29th – Thursday, August 1st. Attendees will be able to earn up to 30 credit hours depending on the type of registration they select.

DS – Daytime Session
ES – Evening Session
MS – Main Session

Monday, July 29th Sessions

8:30am - 10:00am: [DS1] Drug User Health & HIV

Drug User Health & HIV

Presented by Margaret Bordeaux, CHW
*Sponsored by the Opioid Resource Network (ORN)

Session Description:

This presentation will help participants recognize harm reduction as a set of strategies that aim to reduce the harmful consequences associated with drug use and the importance of promoting drug user health, equitably, among communities of high need.

Session Objectives:

1. Identify harm reduction strategies
2. Recall from data and statistics what communities are at the greatest risk of new HIV infections
3. Promote health equity for people who use drugs and people living with HIV

Session Engagement:

Q&A and chat discussions will be incorporated into the presentation. There will also be links to resources and websites shared in the chat. All attendees should be prepared to use the chat function.

10:00am - 10:15am: BREAK

10:15am - 11:45am: [DS2] Cultural Sensitivity: Understanding Similarities & Differences Among Offender, Veteran and Disabled Populations

Cultural Sensitivity: Understanding Similarities & Differences Among Offender, Veteran and Disabled Populations

Presented by Dr. Linda McRae, Psy.D., LCSW, LCAS, CCS, SAP

Session Description:

The course will deepen participants’ understanding of cultural sensitivity by exploring the unique challenges and perspectives of three distinct populations: offenders, veterans, and individuals with disabilities. Through an analysis of cultural norms, experiences, and societal perceptions, participants will gain valuable insights into the similarities and differences that shape these groups’ interactions with society and the criminal justice system.

Session Objectives:

1. Explore Cultural Diversity: Examine the cultural backgrounds and identities of offenders, veterans, and individuals with disabilities.
2. Identify Unique Challenges: Understand the specific challenges and barriers faced by each population within their respective contexts.
3. Compare and Contrast Perspectives: Analyze similarities and differences in societal perceptions, experiences, and needs among the three groups.
4. Develop Cultural Sensitivity: Acquire practical skills and strategies to enhance cultural sensitivity and communication with offenders, veterans, and disabled individuals.
5. Promote Inclusivity: Foster an inclusive environment by applying culturally sensitive practices and policies in various professional settings.

Session Engagement:

Polls, Q&A

11:45am - 1:00pm: LUNCH

1:00pm - 2:30pm: [DS3] The Basics of Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

The Basics of Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

Presented by Ed Johnson, LPC, LAC/S, MAC, CS, CPSS

Session Description:

LGBTQ+ individuals are a hidden minority in addiction treatment settings. They have issues related to shame and trauma that when left unaddressed result in unsuccessful outcomes. This session will increase participant’s knowledge of the issues of affectional/ gender minorities and increase their skills for recognizing and working with this population.

Session Objectives:

1. Discuss the differences between sex, gender, gender identity and sexual/affectional orientation
2. List 2 manifestations of Minority Stress for LGBTQ+ individuals
3. List 3 ways of becoming a more Trans Positive treatment center

Session Engagement:

Polls & interactive discussions

2:30pm - 2:45pm: BREAK

2:45pm - 4:15pm: [DS4] We All Have a Role to Play: Faith in Harm Reduction

We All Have a Role to Play: Faith in Harm Reduction

Presented by Michelle Mathis, CRC
*Sponsored by the NC Harm Reduction Coalition & National Faith in Harm Reduction Movement

Session Description:

This session focuses on professionals serving people who use drugs and offers the premise that everyone has a role to play in reducing harm. Meeting people where they are is important. Just as important is meeting the community where it is. Attendees will learn how faith communities can get involved in harm reduction efforts – at the level they are comfortable. Finally, the course will address stigma as a barrier to engagement and care and how changing our language creates opportunities for positive change.

Session Objectives:

1. Learn a basic overview of Harm Reduction
2. Learn about opportunities to engage communities of faith in harm reduction efforts
3. Change of language in a way that can reduce barriers to engagement and care

Session Engagement:


4:15pm - 6:30pm: BREAK

6:30pm - 8:30pm: [ES1] The Power of Breath: Harnessing Our Potential for Stress Management & Emotional Regulation

The Power of Breath: Harnessing Our Potential for Stress Management and Emotional Regulation

Presented by Rebecca Wheeler, LCMHCA, CPS, RYT

Session Description:

This workshop explores the biological and neurological impacts of stress through a discussion of prominent stress theories and personal reflection. Participants will have the opportunity to practice guided breathing exercises and yoga poses to aid in emotional regulation.

Session Objectives:

1. The learner will be able to identify and explain prominent stress theories
2. The learner will practice guided breathing exercises and explain how such exercises enhance stress management
3. The learner will identify physical postures and explain how such exercises aid in emotional regulation

Session Engagement:

Participants will have the opportunity to practice guided breathing exercises and yoga movements to apply the knowledge gained during the presentation. Be sure to wear comfortable clothing and join the session in a location where you can easily practice a few beginner yoga poses.

Tuesday, July 30th Sessions

8:30am - 10:00am: [DS5] Addressing Addiction in NC's Justice System: The Role of TASC in the Continuum of Care for Justice-Involved Individuals

Addressing Addiction in North Carolina’s Justice System: The Role of TASC in the Continuum of Care for Justice-Involved Individuals

Presented by Michelle Thompson-King, CADC-R/M.Ed. & Dale Willetts, CCJP
*Sponsored by the Coastal Horizons Center & TASC Training Institute

Session Description:

This presentation, “Addressing Addiction in North Carolina’s Justice System: The Role of TASC in the Continuum of Care for Justice-Involved Individuals,” explores the critical intersection of addiction and the criminal justice system in North Carolina. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the prevalence of substance use disorders among justice-involved individuals and the challenges these individuals face. The course will delve into the vital role of the Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities (TASC) program in providing an integrated continuum of care, emphasizing evidence-based approaches and collaborative strategies. Attendees will learn about the program’s impact on reducing recidivism, promoting recovery, and supporting the reintegration of individuals into society. Through this presentation, professionals in the field will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to enhance their practice and contribute to more effective and humane justice system responses to addiction.

Session Objectives

1. Understand the Scope of Addiction: Identify and analyze the prevalence of substance use disorders among justice-involved individuals in North Carolina
2. Recognize the Challenges: Examine the unique challenges faced by individuals with addiction within the criminal justice system.
3. Explore TASC’s Role: Gain an in-depth understanding of the Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities (TASC) program, its history, mission, and methodologies.
4. Enhance Professional Practice: Equip participants with knowledge and tools to improve their professional practice in supporting justice-involved individuals with addiction.

Session Engagement:

There will be engagement – be prepared to interact!

10:00am - 10:15am: BREAK

10:15am - 11:45am: [DS6] HOPE University: Combating Collegiate Substance Use

HOPE University: Combating Collegiate Substance Use

Presented by Jerria Martin, M.Div., CADCA & ORN Certified
*Sponsored by the Opioid Resource Network (ORN)

Session Description:

Are you ready to attend HOPE University? Substance use is (unfortunately) common among college students and can result in a range of academic, physical, mental, and social problems. Statistics show that students are not only binge drinking, but the 2019 Monitoring the Future survey found the highest rates of marijuana and some illicit drug use, particularly amphetamines, cocaine, hallucinogens, and MDMA, among those of typical college age (early to mid-20s). The good news is there is HOPE. There’s strategies that can be put into place to prevent substance use and offer rehabilitation to students diagnosed with SUD’s.

Session Objectives:

1. Articulate why college students use drugs and the types of drugs they use
2. Identify information about treatment options and help for college students
3. Update organizational strategies to appeal and bring hope to college students

Session Engagement:

Be ready for lots of audience engagement – you’ll need to be able to turn your camera on and unmute your mic to interact. There will also be a Q&A.

11:45am - 1:00pm: LUNCH

1:00pm - 2:30pm: [MS1] Clinical Supervision Across the Spectrum

***You MUST attend ALL 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

Clinical Supervision Across the Spectrum 

Presented by Barbara Melton, LPC, LPCS, LAC, LACS, CS, NCC, MAC
*Sponsored by the Southeast ATTC (SATTC)

Session Description:

In this workshop series, we will discuss a range of issues addictions supervisors face today, including issues involving clients with dual diagnoses (a co-occurring substance use disorder and a mental health disorder), and providing specific effective therapy tools that can be shared with supervisees for working with trauma. We will also look at supervising clinicians who work with clients who self injure and discuss understanding this behavior and how to employ specific therapy techniques to use with them as well.

Session Objectives:

1. Define the term dual diagnosis and offer specific techniques for working with co-occurring mental health issues and substance use disorders
2. Understand the biology of trauma
3. Model effective techniques for treating trauma
4. Assist supervisees with understanding and treating clients who self-injure

Session Engagement: 

Case histories will be presented for audience interaction.

1:00pm - 2:30pm: [MS2] Substance Use Disorders Across the Spectrum | Part A: The Pharmacology of Substance Use Disorders & Their Treatments

***You must attend all 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

Option 2. Substance Use Disorders Across the Spectrum 

Part A: The Pharmacology of Substance Use Disorders & Their Treatments
***Tuesday 1:00pm – 2:30pm & 2:45pm – 4:15pm

Presented by Dr. Merrill Norton, Pharm.D., Ph.D., CMAC, CCS
*Sponsored by the Opioid Resource Network (ORN)

Session Description:

This presentation will cover the latest pharmacological research such as reward circuits, the role of dopamine, the stress response, allostasis, psychological drug tolerance, the new information on why individuals who have a substance use disorder do not seek help, and the latest treatment guidelines for alcohol, cannabis, gas station drugs, opioid, and stimulant use disorders.

Session Objectives:

1. Gain an understanding of how substance use disorders cause a depletion of the human bonding system-the dynorphins and oxytocin
2. Learn about the reward brain system and the anti-reward brain system
3. Develop an understanding of how alcohol, cannabis, opioids, and stimulants change the brain’s chemistry
4. Understand about the use of the latest guidelines and medications addressing alcohol, opioid, and stimulant use disorder treatments

Session Engagement:

Various Q&A Sessions

1:00pm - 2:30pm: [MS3] Now Casting ACTors: An Overview of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy

***You must attend all 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

Now Casting ACTors: An Overview of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Presented by Elouise Cram, LCSW
*Sponsored by The Emily Program’s Child, Adolescent, & Adult in Charlotte

Session Description:

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a third wave cognitive behavioral therapy approach which helps individuals accept uncomfortable feelings and experiences rather than avoid them through use of mindfulness and values. The goal of ACT is to create a rich and meaningful life. Notably, ACT is not driven by goals of symptom reduction, but rather shifting our relationship with these symptoms to help move towards a life worth living. This presentation will provide a thorough introduction to ACT as well as several techniques and frameworks to apply to individuals experiencing addiction or substance use.

Session Objectives:

1. Participants will be able to describe theoretical framework of ACT
2. Participants will be able to articulate the ways in which psychological inflexibility contributes to client suffering
3. Participants will be able to utilize at least 2 ACT techniques to work with clients individually and in group settings struggling with substance use/addiction

Session Engagement: 

Participants will engage in role playing, q&a, and group experiential activities.

1:00pm - 2:30pm: [MS4] DWI Provider Session

***You must attend all 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

DWI Provider Session
*Authorized DWI Providers Only

Presented by Donna Brown and NC DWI Team
*Sponsored by TASC Training Institute

Session Description:

This session will provide DWI Service providers with various updates relevant to the DWI field.

Session Objectives:

1. Participants will refresh their knowledge of the DWI Code of Conduct, Facility Affirmations and Stipulations and the DWI Compliance and Recommendation Standards
2. Participants will learn common errors in the e508 system and how to prevent delays in processing
3. Participants will learn how to conduct a review of clinical services that took place outside of the DWI network
4. Participants will gain a clear understanding of the DWI Program Monitoring process
5. Participants will build awareness of ethnicity vs. race within the Latin community
6. Participants will learn how to utilize telehealth within DWI Services

2:30pm - 2:45pm: BREAK

2:45pm - 4:15pm: [MS1] Clinical Supervision Across the Spectrum, cont'd.

***You MUST attend ALL 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

Clinical Supervision Across the Spectrum 

Presented by Barbara Melton, LPC, LPCS, LAC, LACS, CS, NCC, MAC
*Sponsored by the Southeast ATTC (SATTC)

Session Description:

In this workshop series, we will discuss a range of issues addictions supervisors face today, including issues involving clients with dual diagnoses (a co-occurring substance use disorder and a mental health disorder), and providing specific effective therapy tools that can be shared with supervisees for working with trauma. We will also look at supervising clinicians who work with clients who self injure and discuss understanding this behavior and how to employ specific therapy techniques to use with them as well.

Session Objectives:

1. Define the term dual diagnosis and offer specific techniques for working with co-occurring mental health issues and substance use disorders
2. Understand the biology of trauma
3. Model effective techniques for treating trauma
4. Assist supervisees with understanding and treating clients who self-injure

Session Engagement: 

Case histories will be presented for audience interaction.

2:45pm - 4:15pm: [MS2] Substance Use Disorders Across the Spectrum, cont'd. | Part A: The Pharmacology of Substance Use Disorders & Their Treatments, cont'd.

***You must attend all 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

Substance Use Disorders Across the Spectrum 

Part A: The Pharmacology of Substance Use Disorders & Their Treatments
***Tuesday 1:00pm – 2:30pm & 2:45pm – 4:15pm

Presented by Dr. Merrill Norton, Pharm.D., Ph.D., CMAC, CCS
*Sponsored by the Opioid Resource Network (ORN)

Session Description:

This presentation will cover the latest pharmacological research such as reward circuits, the role of dopamine, the stress response, allostasis, psychological drug tolerance, the new information on why individuals who have a substance use disorder do not seek help, and the latest treatment guidelines for alcohol, cannabis, gas station drugs, opioid, and stimulant use disorders.

Session Objectives:

1. Gain an understanding of how substance use disorders cause a depletion of the human bonding system-the dynorphins and oxytocin
2. Learn about the reward brain system and the anti-reward brain system
3. Develop an understanding of how alcohol, cannabis, opioids, and stimulants change the brain’s chemistry
4. Understand about the use of the latest guidelines and medications addressing alcohol, opioid, and stimulant use disorder treatments

Session Engagement:

Various Q&A Sessions

2:45pm - 4:15pm: [MS3] Now Casting ACTors: An Overview of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, cont'd.

***You must attend all 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

Now Casting ACTors: An Overview of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Presented by Elouise Cram, LCSW
*Sponsored by The Emily Program’s Child, Adolescent, & Adult in Charlotte

Session Description:

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a third wave cognitive behavioral therapy approach which helps individuals accept uncomfortable feelings and experiences rather than avoid them through use of mindfulness and values. The goal of ACT is to create a rich and meaningful life. Notably, ACT is not driven by goals of symptom reduction, but rather shifting our relationship with these symptoms to help move towards a life worth living. This presentation will provide a thorough introduction to ACT as well as several techniques and frameworks to apply to individuals experiencing addiction or substance use.

Session Objectives:

1. Participants will be able to describe theoretical framework of ACT
2. Participants will be able to articulate the ways in which psychological inflexibility contributes to client suffering
3. Participants will be able to utilize at least 2 ACT techniques to work with clients individually and in group settings struggling with substance use/addiction

Session Engagement: 

Participants will engage in role playing, q&a, and group experiential activities.

2:45pm - 4:15pm: [MS4] DWI Provider Session, cont'd.

***You must attend all 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

DWI Provider Session
*Authorized DWI Providers Only

Presented by Donna Brown and NC DWI Team
*Sponsored by TASC Training Institute

Session Description:

This session will provide DWI Service providers with various updates relevant to the DWI field.

Session Objectives:

1. Participants will refresh their knowledge of the DWI Code of Conduct, Facility Affirmations and Stipulations and the DWI Compliance and Recommendation Standards
2. Participants will learn common errors in the e508 system and how to prevent delays in processing
3. Participants will learn how to conduct a review of clinical services that took place outside of the DWI network
4. Participants will gain a clear understanding of the DWI Program Monitoring process
5. Participants will build awareness of ethnicity vs. race within the Latin community
6. Participants will learn how to utilize telehealth within DWI Services

4:15pm - 6:30pm: BREAK

6:30pm - 8:30pm: [ES2] Nourish & Thrive: Mental Wellness & Nutrition for Helping Professionals & the People They Work With

Nourish & Thrive: Mental Wellness & Nutrition for Helping Professionals & the People They Work With

Presented by Jessica Fowler, CADC, CPS & Emma Hardy
*Sponsored by the Alice Aycock Poe Center for Health Education

Session Description:

This program is designed to support helping professionals by emphasizing the essential link between nutrition and mental health. It offers education, practical tools, and support to enhance the well-being of caregivers, therapists, peer support specialists, prevention specialists, and healthcare workers. Participants will learn about the impact of nutrition on mental health, develop stress management skills, and acquire practical strategies for preparing low-cost healthy meals. By fostering self-care and resilience, the program aims to improve personal health, professional effectiveness in high-demand roles, and the ability to apply these skills with patients.

Session Objectives:

1. Educate on Nutrition and Mental Health Connection
2. Enhance Stress Management Skills
3. Foster Self-care and Resilience
4. Support Holistic Patient Care

Session Engagement:

This session will utilize breakout rooms and scenario discussions.

Wednesday, July 31st Sessions

8:30am - 10:00am: [DS7] Technology & Ethics: Unique Challenges to Consider

Technology & Ethics: Unique Challenges to Consider

Presented by James Campbell, LPC, LAC, MAC. AADC
*Sponsored by the Southeast ATTC (SATTC)

Session Description:

A strong ethical foundation is necessary to be an effective addiction professional, and learning the fundamentals thereof is essential to help protect those we serve, ourselves, the profession, and society at large. For many, the transition to virtual services and new technologies can present unique ethical challenges that we did not consider even five years ago. Duty to warn, self-disclosure, dual relationship, and differing professional roles continue to be relevant, but their application in virtual and telehealth services has some distinct differences to consider. This session will be an exploration thereof.

Session Objectives:

1. Verbalize the origins of addiction professional code of ethics
2. Identify self-disclosure, confidentiality, mandatory reporting, “Duty to Warn”, dual relationship, and informed consent
3. List ways that each of the core facets listed previously may be impacted by changes in technology and the provision of services

Session Engagement:

This session will utilize breakout rooms of 3-4 people to discuss some themes and examples.

10:00am - 10:15am: BREAK

10:15am - 11:45am: [DS8] Appreciating Our Differences: Using Cultural Humility to Foster Growth

Appreciating Our Differences: Using Cultural Humility to Foster Growth

Presented by James Campbell, LPC, LAC, MAC. AADC
*Sponsored by the Southeast ATTC (SATTC)

Session Description:

The United States is more diverse than at any point in its history. As such, both our colleagues and those that we serve are more diverse as well. Cultural Humility is an experiential and practical approach designed to help individuals work more effectively across the range of our differences and to move beyond merely tolerating differences to leveraging them to become more creative, healthy, and resilient.

Session Objectives:

1. Verbalize the role of culture and its impact on individuals
2. Describe the impact of culture on those who are a part thereof
3. Articulate the distinction between cultural diversity and humility
4. List two ways culture may be relevant related to substance use.

Session Engagement:

Participants will interact via chat waterfalls.

11:45am - 1:00pm: LUNCH

1:00pm - 2:30pm: [MS1] Clinical Supervision Across the Spectrum, cont'd.

***You MUST attend ALL 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

Clinical Supervision Across the Spectrum 

Presented by Barbara Melton, LPC, LPCS, LAC, LACS, CS, NCC, MAC
*Sponsored by the Southeast ATTC (SATTC)

Session Description:

In this workshop series, we will discuss a range of issues addictions supervisors face today, including issues involving clients with dual diagnoses (a co-occurring substance use disorder and a mental health disorder), and providing specific effective therapy tools that can be shared with supervisees for working with trauma. We will also look at supervising clinicians who work with clients who self injure and discuss understanding this behavior and how to employ specific therapy techniques to use with them as well.

Session Objectives:

1. Define the term dual diagnosis and offer specific techniques for working with co-occurring mental health issues and substance use disorders
2. Understand the biology of trauma
3. Model effective techniques for treating trauma
4. Assist supervisees with understanding and treating clients who self-injure

Session Engagement: 

Case histories will be presented for audience interaction.

1:00pm - 2:30pm: [MS2] Substance Use Disorders Across the Spectrum, cont'd. | Part B: Prevention, Treatment and Recovery in Communities of Color

***You must attend all 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

Substance Use Disorders Across the Spectrum 

Part B: Prevention, Treatment and Recovery in Communities of Color
***Wednesday 1:00pm – 2:30pm

Presented by Victor Armstrong, MSW
*Sponsored by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Session Description:

Traditional approaches to mental health and addictions treatment have relied on a “one size fits all” approach. In this presentation, the presenter will discuss the unique challenges in prevention and treatment in communities of color including the impact of structural exclusion and systems bias. The presenter will share strategies for engaging historically marginalized communities and forming partnerships to ensure engagement and sustainability.

Session Objectives:

1. Identify the unique challenges in providing prevention and treatment in communities of color
2. Identify their own implicit biases and those biases embedded in mental health and addictions treatment
3. Identify strategies for engaging communities of color.

1:00pm - 2:30pm: [MS3] Now Casting ACTors: An Overview of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, cont'd.

***You must attend all 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

Now Casting ACTors: An Overview of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Presented by Elouise Cram, LCSW
*Sponsored by The Emily Program’s Child, Adolescent, & Adult in Charlotte

Session Description:

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a third wave cognitive behavioral therapy approach which helps individuals accept uncomfortable feelings and experiences rather than avoid them through use of mindfulness and values. The goal of ACT is to create a rich and meaningful life. Notably, ACT is not driven by goals of symptom reduction, but rather shifting our relationship with these symptoms to help move towards a life worth living. This presentation will provide a thorough introduction to ACT as well as several techniques and frameworks to apply to individuals experiencing addiction or substance use.

Session Objectives:

1. Participants will be able to describe theoretical framework of ACT
2. Participants will be able to articulate the ways in which psychological inflexibility contributes to client suffering
3. Participants will be able to utilize at least 2 ACT techniques to work with clients individually and in group settings struggling with substance use/addiction

Session Engagement: 

Participants will engage in role playing, q&a, and group experiential activities.

1:00pm - 2:30pm: [MS4] DWI Provider Session, cont'd.

***You must attend all 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

DWI Provider Session
*Authorized DWI Providers Only

Presented by Donna Brown and NC DWI Team
*Sponsored by TASC Training Institute

Session Description:

This session will provide DWI Service providers with various updates relevant to the DWI field.

Session Objectives:

1. Participants will refresh their knowledge of the DWI Code of Conduct, Facility Affirmations and Stipulations and the DWI Compliance and Recommendation Standards
2. Participants will learn common errors in the e508 system and how to prevent delays in processing
3. Participants will learn how to conduct a review of clinical services that took place outside of the DWI network
4. Participants will gain a clear understanding of the DWI Program Monitoring process
5. Participants will build awareness of ethnicity vs. race within the Latin community
6. Participants will learn how to utilize telehealth within DWI Services

2:30pm - 2:45pm: BREAK

2:45pm - 4:15pm: [MS1] Clinical Supervision Across the Spectrum, cont'd.

***You MUST attend ALL 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

Clinical Supervision Across the Spectrum 

Presented by Barbara Melton, LPC, LPCS, LAC, LACS, CS, NCC, MAC
*Sponsored by the Southeast ATTC (SATTC)

Session Description:

In this workshop series, we will discuss a range of issues addictions supervisors face today, including issues involving clients with dual diagnoses (a co-occurring substance use disorder and a mental health disorder), and providing specific effective therapy tools that can be shared with supervisees for working with trauma. We will also look at supervising clinicians who work with clients who self injure and discuss understanding this behavior and how to employ specific therapy techniques to use with them as well.

Session Objectives:

1. Define the term dual diagnosis and offer specific techniques for working with co-occurring mental health issues and substance use disorders
2. Understand the biology of trauma
3. Model effective techniques for treating trauma
4. Assist supervisees with understanding and treating clients who self-injure

Session Engagement: 

Case histories will be presented for audience interaction.

2:45pm - 4:15pm: [MS2] Substance Use Disorders Across the Spectrum, cont'd. | Part C: What's Prison Got to Do With It? Substance Use Disorders & Disabilities

***You must attend all 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

Option 2. Substance Use Disorders Across the Spectrum 

Part C: What’s Prison Got to Do With It? Substance Use Disorders & Disabilities
***Wednesday 2:45pm – 4:15pm

Presented by Sophia Feaster-Lawrence, LCASA, OWDS

Session Objectives:

1. Define the significance of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
2. Learn about the factors that impact substance use among individuals with disabilities
3. Understand the challenges offenders with disabilities face in obtaining treatment
4. Learn about the need for accommodations
5. Learn why “connecting the dots” will increase successful outcomes

2:45pm - 4:15pm: [MS3] Now Casting ACTors: An Overview of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, cont'd.

***You must attend all 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

Now Casting ACTors: An Overview of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Presented by Elouise Cram, LCSW
*Sponsored by The Emily Program’s Child, Adolescent, & Adult in Charlotte

Session Description:

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a third wave cognitive behavioral therapy approach which helps individuals accept uncomfortable feelings and experiences rather than avoid them through use of mindfulness and values. The goal of ACT is to create a rich and meaningful life. Notably, ACT is not driven by goals of symptom reduction, but rather shifting our relationship with these symptoms to help move towards a life worth living. This presentation will provide a thorough introduction to ACT as well as several techniques and frameworks to apply to individuals experiencing addiction or substance use.

Session Objectives:

1. Participants will be able to describe theoretical framework of ACT
2. Participants will be able to articulate the ways in which psychological inflexibility contributes to client suffering
3. Participants will be able to utilize at least 2 ACT techniques to work with clients individually and in group settings struggling with substance use/addiction

Session Engagement: 

Participants will engage in role playing, q&a, and group experiential activities.

2:45pm - 4:15pm: [MS4] DWI Provider Session, cont'd.

***You must attend all 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

DWI Provider Session
*Authorized DWI Providers Only

Presented by Donna Brown and NC DWI Team
*Sponsored by TASC Training Institute

Session Description:

This session will provide DWI Service providers with various updates relevant to the DWI field.

Session Objectives:

1. Participants will refresh their knowledge of the DWI Code of Conduct, Facility Affirmations and Stipulations and the DWI Compliance and Recommendation Standards
2. Participants will learn common errors in the e508 system and how to prevent delays in processing
3. Participants will learn how to conduct a review of clinical services that took place outside of the DWI network
4. Participants will gain a clear understanding of the DWI Program Monitoring process
5. Participants will build awareness of ethnicity vs. race within the Latin community
6. Participants will learn how to utilize telehealth within DWI Services

4:15pm - 6:30pm: BREAK

6:30pm - 8:30pm: [ES3] Music Therapy & Music-Based Applications for Substance Misuse & Addictions

Music Therapy & Music-Based Applications for Substance Misuse & Addictions

Presented by Adrienne Steiner-Brett, Ph.D., MT-BC

Session Description:

This session will focus on introducing the evidenced-based use of music therapy in mental health treatment, specifically substance misuse and additions. Adaptations of music-based strategies for mental health professionals to use within treatment will be demonstrated. The presentation will include an overview of music therapy, explanation of the music therapy research for mental health and substance misuse, rationale for music use including an introduction to the neurological processing of music stimuli, and specific interventions & strategies incorporating music for professionals to use within treatment.

Session Objectives:

1. Demonstrate knowledge of the music therapy research base on the use of music therapy for substance misuse and addictions
2. Demonstrate understanding of the neurologic processing of music stimuli and the connection to adult mental health and substance misuse
3. Participate and experience a music therapy intervention demonstration
4. Understand adaptations and incorporation of music-based strategies by other professionals for those with substance misuse

Session Engagement:

This session will provide a live demonstration of a music therapy intervention with strategies for adaptation for other therapeutic professional use.

Thursday, August 1st Sessions

8:30am - 10:00am: [MS1] Clinical Supervision Across the Spectrum, cont'd.

***You MUST attend ALL 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

Clinical Supervision Across the Spectrum 

Presented by Barbara Melton, LPC, LPCS, LAC, LACS, CS, NCC, MAC
*Sponsored by the Southeast ATTC (SATTC)

Session Description:

In this workshop series, we will discuss a range of issues addictions supervisors face today, including issues involving clients with dual diagnoses (a co-occurring substance use disorder and a mental health disorder), and providing specific effective therapy tools that can be shared with supervisees for working with trauma. We will also look at supervising clinicians who work with clients who self injure and discuss understanding this behavior and how to employ specific therapy techniques to use with them as well.

Session Objectives:

1. Define the term dual diagnosis and offer specific techniques for working with co-occurring mental health issues and substance use disorders
2. Understand the biology of trauma
3. Model effective techniques for treating trauma
4. Assist supervisees with understanding and treating clients who self-injure

Session Engagement: 

Case histories will be presented for audience interaction.

8:30am - 10:00am: [MS2] Substance Use Disorders Across the Spectrum, cont'd. | Part D: Are We There Yet? Meet the Justice System & Substance Use Disorders

***You must attend all 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

Substance Use Disorders Across the Spectrum 

Part D: Are We There Yet? Meet the Justice System and Substance Use Disorders
***Thursday 8:30am – 10:00am

Presented by Sophia Feaster-Lawrence, LCASA, OWDS

Session Objectives:

1. Define the role of the US Department of Justice and substance use disorders
2. Learn best practices in treating justice-involved individuals during their incarceration
3. Analyze the statistics and funding for treatment programs for justice-involved individuals
4. Learn why simulations and re-entry are effective for preparing offenders with substance use disorders for release

8:30am - 10:00am: [MS3] Now Casting ACTors: An Overview of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, cont'd.

***You must attend all 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

Now Casting ACTors: An Overview of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Presented by Elouise Cram, LCSW
*Sponsored by The Emily Program’s Child, Adolescent, & Adult in Charlotte

Session Description:

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a third wave cognitive behavioral therapy approach which helps individuals accept uncomfortable feelings and experiences rather than avoid them through use of mindfulness and values. The goal of ACT is to create a rich and meaningful life. Notably, ACT is not driven by goals of symptom reduction, but rather shifting our relationship with these symptoms to help move towards a life worth living. This presentation will provide a thorough introduction to ACT as well as several techniques and frameworks to apply to individuals experiencing addiction or substance use.

Session Objectives:

1. Participants will be able to describe theoretical framework of ACT
2. Participants will be able to articulate the ways in which psychological inflexibility contributes to client suffering
3. Participants will be able to utilize at least 2 ACT techniques to work with clients individually and in group settings struggling with substance use/addiction

Session Engagement: 

Participants will engage in role playing, q&a, and group experiential activities.

8:30am - 10:00am: [MS4] DWI Provider Session, cont'd.

***You must attend all 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

DWI Provider Session
*Authorized DWI Providers Only

Presented by Donna Brown and NC DWI Team
*Sponsored by TASC Training Institute

Session Description:

This session will provide DWI Service providers with various updates relevant to the DWI field.

Session Objectives:

1. Participants will refresh their knowledge of the DWI Code of Conduct, Facility Affirmations and Stipulations and the DWI Compliance and Recommendation Standards
2. Participants will learn common errors in the e508 system and how to prevent delays in processing
3. Participants will learn how to conduct a review of clinical services that took place outside of the DWI network
4. Participants will gain a clear understanding of the DWI Program Monitoring process
5. Participants will build awareness of ethnicity vs. race within the Latin community
6. Participants will learn how to utilize telehealth within DWI Services

10:00am - 10:15am: BREAK

10:15am - 11:45am: [MS1] Clinical Supervision Across the Spectrum, cont'd.

***You MUST attend ALL 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

Clinical Supervision Across the Spectrum 

Presented by Barbara Melton, LPC, LPCS, LAC, LACS, CS, NCC, MAC
*Sponsored by the Southeast ATTC (SATTC)

Session Description:

In this workshop series, we will discuss a range of issues addictions supervisors face today, including issues involving clients with dual diagnoses (a co-occurring substance use disorder and a mental health disorder), and providing specific effective therapy tools that can be shared with supervisees for working with trauma. We will also look at supervising clinicians who work with clients who self injure and discuss understanding this behavior and how to employ specific therapy techniques to use with them as well.

Session Objectives:

1. Define the term dual diagnosis and offer specific techniques for working with co-occurring mental health issues and substance use disorders
2. Understand the biology of trauma
3. Model effective techniques for treating trauma
4. Assist supervisees with understanding and treating clients who self-injure

Session Engagement: 

Case histories will be presented for audience interaction.

10:15am - 11:45am: [MS2] Substance Use Disorders Across the Spectrum, cont'd. | Part E: Lean On Me: Coalition Building 101

***You must attend all 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

Substance Use Disorders Across the Spectrum 

Part E: Lean on Me: Coalition Building 101
***Thursday 10:15am – 11:45am

Presented by Jerria Martin, M.Div., CADCA & ORN Certified
*Sponsored by the Opioid Resource Network (ORN)

Session Description:

Does your community have that go-to coalition in place to lean on when times are rough and hope is lost? No worries if not because this session will be jam-packed with ideas and concepts you can take back to your communities to build and/or strengthen the coalitions in place to support drug prevention and our community members with substances use disorders.

Session Objectives:

1. Explain the role of a substance misuse prevention coalition and develop the structure essential to sustain a successful coalition
2. Describe the public health approach and the continuum of care framework for achieving population-level change
3. Implement the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) in the community

10:15am - 11:45am: [MS3] Now Casting ACTors: An Overview of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, cont'd.

***You must attend all 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

Now Casting ACTors: An Overview of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Presented by Elouise Cram, LCSW
*Sponsored by The Emily Program’s Child, Adolescent, & Adult in Charlotte

Session Description:

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a third wave cognitive behavioral therapy approach which helps individuals accept uncomfortable feelings and experiences rather than avoid them through use of mindfulness and values. The goal of ACT is to create a rich and meaningful life. Notably, ACT is not driven by goals of symptom reduction, but rather shifting our relationship with these symptoms to help move towards a life worth living. This presentation will provide a thorough introduction to ACT as well as several techniques and frameworks to apply to individuals experiencing addiction or substance use.

Session Objectives:

1. Participants will be able to describe theoretical framework of ACT
2. Participants will be able to articulate the ways in which psychological inflexibility contributes to client suffering
3. Participants will be able to utilize at least 2 ACT techniques to work with clients individually and in group settings struggling with substance use/addiction

Session Engagement: 

Participants will engage in role playing, q&a, and group experiential activities.

10:15am - 11:45am: [MS4] DWI Provider Session, cont'd.

***You must attend all 9 hours of the same Main Session in order to obtain credit.

DWI Provider Session
*Authorized DWI Providers Only

Presented by Donna Brown and NC DWI Team
*Sponsored by TASC Training Institute

Session Description:

This session will provide DWI Service providers with various updates relevant to the DWI field.

Session Objectives:

1. Participants will refresh their knowledge of the DWI Code of Conduct, Facility Affirmations and Stipulations and the DWI Compliance and Recommendation Standards
2. Participants will learn common errors in the e508 system and how to prevent delays in processing
3. Participants will learn how to conduct a review of clinical services that took place outside of the DWI network
4. Participants will gain a clear understanding of the DWI Program Monitoring process
5. Participants will build awareness of ethnicity vs. race within the Latin community
6. Participants will learn how to utilize telehealth within DWI Services

11:45am - 1:00pm: LUNCH

1:00pm - 2:30pm: [DS9] It's Only a Test! Mastering the Addiction Counselor's Exam

It’s Only a Test! Mastering the Addiction Counselor’s Exam

Presented by NCFADS Board Member Dr. Kendra Davis, D.Min., MAC, LCAS, CSOTS, CCJP, CCS, IAADC

Session Description:

The problem today is that many people struggle to pass standardized multiple choice exams. Through attending this session, individuals will gain greater insight & clarity on the key concepts required to MASTER the addiction counselor’s exam.

Session Objectives:


Session Engagement:

Dr. Kendra is a very engaging and enigmatic presenter – she is sure to keep you smiling, laughing, and excited to be in her session. She will use a variety of engagement tactics to ensure the highest quality of learning and knowledge retention.

2:30pm - 2:45pm: BREAK

2:45pm - 4:15pm: [DS10] Healing with Each Other: Group Counseling for Substance Use Disorder

Healing with Each Other: Group Counseling for Substance Use Disorder

Presented by Dr. Geri Miller, Ph.D., ABPP, LP, LCAS, CCS, MAC

Session Description:

This session will focus on introducing the evidenced-based use of music therapy in mental health treatment, specifically substance misuse and additions. Adaptations of music-based strategies for mental health professionals to use within treatment will be demonstrated. The presentation will include an overview of music therapy, explanation of the music therapy research for mental health and substance misuse, rationale for music use including an introduction to the neurological processing of music stimuli, and specific interventions & strategies incorporating music for professionals to use within treatment.

Session Objectives:

1. Understand the theoretical development of group therapy
2. Learn specific Substance Use Disorder group therapy approaches
3. Apply the information to one’s own setting through a Q&A period

Session Engagement:

This workshop will conclude with a 20 minute Q&A period assisting participants in applying the information presented to their own clinical setting. Group topics and issues not covered in the Q&A period will be further discussed at the 2025 NCFADS Winter School during the Substance Use Disorder Group Counseling Main Session presented by Dr. Geri Miller.

4:15pm - END OF SCHOOL!

Time to close your laptop, get some rest, reflect on the information learned, and be proud of the time you’ve dedicated to growing professionally!

Continuing Education Credits We Offer

NCFADS 2024 Virtual Summer School will offer up to 30 hours of education as a full-time attendee. Part-time attendees will be able to complete up to 9 hours of education.

If you have any questions about your licensing or certification, please reach out to your licensing board. If you have questions about NCFADS, 2024 Summer School, and/or our credit offerings, please reach out to NCFADS Executive Director, Sarah Cothren, at executivedirector@ncfads.org.

Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC)

NCFADS is approved to offer CRC credits. More information to come. CRC credits will be an additional $30 per person.

Contact Hours

Many licensure boards accept contact hours for their professionals – nurses, counselors, psychologists, marriage and family therapists, occupational therapists, psychical therapists, etc.. Please contact your licensing board for specific questions. All participants receive contact hours for the time they participate in a program. Contact hours are built into both our part-time and full-time registration fees, so there will be no additional cost.

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

NCFADS is approved to offer hours to satisfy NASW’s requirements. NASW hours are built into both our part-time and full-time registration fees, so there will be no additional cost.

National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC)

NCFADS is an approved continuing education provider recognized by NBCC. Our ACEP number is 5673. At 2024 Summer School, you’ll be able to receive up to 30 NBCC credit hours. NBCC credit hours are built into both our part-time and full-time registration fees, so there would be no additional cost.

North Carolina Addictions Specialist Professional Practice Board (NCASPPB)

NCFADS is approved to offer NCASPPB credits. More information to come. NCASPPB credit hours are built into both our part-time and full-time registration fees, so there will be no additional cost.

My licensing/certifying board is not listed?

Reach out to us at executivedirector@ncfads.org and let us know!

Pre-Registration FAQs

Where will 2024 Summer School be?

Our 2024 Summer School will only be virtual.

How many continuing education/credit hours can I get at 2024 Summer School?

You’ll be able to obtain up to 30 credit hours, if you choose the full-time registration. If you choose the part-time registration, you can obtain up to 9 credit hours.

How much does 2024 Summer School cost?

We are offering two different registration types for 2024 Summer School: part-time registration and full-time registration. Part-time registration costs $150 and will allow attendees to choose up to 9 hours worth of sessions of their choosing. Full-time registration costs $350 and allow attendees to attend as many sessions as they’d like.

What credit types will be available?

We have received credit approval through the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC), Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor (CRCC), National Association of Social Workers (NASW), and the North Carolina Addictions Specialist Professional Practice Board (NCASPPB).

Please note CRCC credits cost an additional $30 which can be added to your registration fee. All other credits are covered in the registration cost.

Who should attend?

We welcome any type of addictions professional, or professionals who may interact with individuals affected by substance use. Historically, we’ve seen all types of folks, from pastoral care professionals and nurses to school staff and corrections/criminal justice professionals.

Will sessions be recorded and shared?

We will be recording sessions, but they will not be shared due to difficulty with accreditation. 

Do you track attendance?

Yes, we will track attendance so that we can award the correct amount of credit hours (as is required by all accrediting boards).

Each session will be interactive (polls, games, engaging chat) and you will need to be engaged and alert in order to be marked as present.

Registered Attendees FAQs

I registered for school, but haven't paid yet. How do I pay?

Thank you for registering for 2024 Summer School through our Jotform! You can make your payment through our Zeffy payment page.

Do I have to pay extra for my credits?

There are no additional costs for credits sought through the North Carolina Addictions Specialist Professional Practice Board (NCASPPB) and the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC), as well as contact hours for social workers, family & marriage therapists, Public School Personnel (PSP), etc.

There IS an additional $30 fee for credits sought through the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRC/CRCC). This fee can be added to your registration fee on our payment page.

Please note that if you DID NOT pay the $30 CRC/CRCC fee, you WILL NOT receive CRC/CRCC credits. If you already paid for your registration, but forgot to pay for your CRC/CRCC credit, you can go to the payment page and pay for just the CRC/CRCC credit. We will be able to match up your registration with your CRC/CRCC credit payment, so you’ll be good to go.

How do I get a copy of my receipt?

Right after you clicked the “pay” button on our payment page, you would have been sent an email with your receipt. You may need to check your spam folder. Search in the search bar “NCFADS 2024 Summer School receipt” – those keywords should help you find it. If you still cannot find your receipt, reach out to Sarah Cothren at executivedirector@ncfads.org.

Do I need to sign up for my session(s) in advance?

Yes, as soon as you’ve registered and paid for Summer School, you’ll receive an email with a link to select your session(s).

You will receive the link(s) to join your session(s) on Saturday, July 27th.

How do I choose my sessions?

We highly recommend you browsing through the schedule, sessions, and speakers tabs on this webpage to make note of the sessions you’re interested in.

If you’ve registered and paid, you will receive an email with a link to select your sessions.

If you haven’t registered yet, you can register here. If you have registered but have not paid, you can pay here.

How will you track attendance?

We must track attendance so that we can award the correct amount of credit hours (as is required by all accrediting boards).

Each session will be interactive (polls, games, engaging chat) and you will need to be engaged and alert in order to be marked as present. When the presenter asks a question and tells the audience to respond in the chat, please do so. If they incorporate polls, complete all questions. If there are games, be active. 

If we don’t sense that there is another individual on the other side of the screen, we will not be able to mark you as present and you might not receive credits. If we determine that you are ineligible for credits due to non-participated and/or non-attendance, we will not be able to offer you a refund.

Can I get a copy of my presenter's slide deck?

If your presenter has elected to share their presentation’s slide deck, then yes, you will get them after the session. 

When will I get my credit verification certificate?

All credit verification certificates will be sent out by Friday, September 13th at the latest. If you need your credit verification certificates before then, please email Sarah Cothren at executivedirector@ncfads.org. Be sure to include your name and the date that you need your credit verification form by.

P.S. The Friday, September 13th date is a little later than we usually send our credit verification certificates because we’ll be focusing on some administrative tasks that will delay our processing of un-rushed certificates.

When will I get the link to join my session(s)?

You will receive the links for the session(s) you selected on Saturday, July 27th.

Post-School FAQs

When will I get my credit verification certificate?

All credit verification certificates will be sent out by Friday, September 13th at the latest. If you need your credit verification certificates before then, please email Sarah Cothren at executivedirector@ncfads.org. Be sure to include your name and the date that you need your credit verification form by.

P.S. The Friday, September 13th date is a little later than we usually send our credit verification certificates because we’ll be focusing on some administrative tasks that will delay our processing of un-rushed certificates.

How do I get a copy of my receipt?

Right after you clicked the “pay” button on our payment page, you would have been sent an email with your receipt. You may need to check your spam folder. Search in the search bar “NCFADS 2024 Summer School receipt” – those keywords should help you find it. If you still cannot find your receipt, reach out to Sarah Cothren at executivedirector@ncfads.org.

Can I get a copy of my presenter's slide deck?

If your presenter has elected to share their presentation’s slide deck, then yes, you will get them after the session. 

Can I get a recording of a presentation I attended?

We will not be sharing recordings of presentations since there are issues with accrediting asynchronous sessions.

Interested in Sponsoring Our School?

We are grateful for those who partner with us to bring excellence in education to addictions professionals in our community. Preparing our addictions professionals to provide the highest-quality care to our loved ones is a group effort and we could not do it without you. It’s imperative that those who work in the addictions field are equipped with the best knowledge, skills, and resources to do the work they are doing. Your support through sponsoring our school and organization will enable us to continue offering top-notch education taught by industry experts, and keep registration costs low to attendees and free for scholarship recipients. Please reach out to Sarah Cothren, NCFADS Executive Director, at executivedirector@ncfads.org to learn more about partnering with NCFADS.