The NC Foundation for Alcohol & Drug Studies is pleased to present the 2017 Summer School, July 31st through August 4th at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, NC. We are honored to have this year’s faculty filled with nationally known speakers, researchers and leaders in the field. The school schedule and format feature an emphasis on in-depth study and a setting designed to enhance learning and create a spirit of “community” for all participants.
The Summer School is designed to meet the needs of addictions and substance use disorder professionals, as well as licensed professional counselors, social workers, school counselors/nurses/social workers, rehabilitation counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychotherapists, integrated care professionals, criminal justice/juvenile justice/corrections personnel, clergy and pastoral care professionals, nurses and other healthcare professionals, health educators, EAP staff, recovery coaches and allies, public health workers, social services staff, and all interested others.
Registration is Closed
Main Tracks
A001. [CANCELLED] Therapy for Persons with Substance Use Disorders: A Practical Understanding and Approach
Level: Introductory/Basic
Presenter: Ben Bentley LPCS, LCAS, CCS
Description: Substance Use Disorders continue to increase and therapists need a clear understanding of the addiction process in order to develop practical “real life” approaches to therapy. This course will explore the process of substance use disorders (mild to severe) and the concepts of addiction. Upon this foundation, participants will have the opportunity to learn practical therapeutic approaches and interventions.
A002. Group Counseling: Theory, Research, and Practical Applications
Level: Introductory/Intermediate (limited to 16 participants)
Presenter: Wilmina Rosario PhD, LPCS, LCAS, CCS
Description: This course is designed to enhance participants’ knowledge skills and competencies of group counseling theory and practice. Methods for developing group goals that promote positive behavioral change in individuals with substance use and other related behavioral health disorders will be discussed. Session participants will be provided with opportunities to practice and apply basic, intermediate and advanced group-counseling skills toward leading and facilitating various models of counseling groups commonly used with individuals with substance disorders.
Experiential group counseling methods will be utilized, as well as activities that enhance group leaders’ self-awareness as an integral aspect of facilitating counseling groups. These techniques/methods will be useful for group leaders to integrate in their counseling groups as they work with members who are at various stages of change. Clinical supervision methods and practices will also be discussed and incorporated during the course.
Upon completion of the course participants will complete the following objectives:
- Increase knowledge of current research and trends related to group counseling.
- Increase knowledge of counseling theories and concepts as a framework for effective group counseling work.
- Identify the various group counseling models commonly used with individuals with substance use disorders.
- Enhance knowledge of and demonstrate essential leaders/facilitator’s skills for leading/facilitating groups
- Enhance by practicing basic, intermediate and advanced group counseling skills via experiential exercises and processes.
- Identify counseling skills necessary to engage willing, ambivalent and unwilling participants.
- Utilize experiential opportunities to apply group-counseling skills toward improved client outcomes.
- Increase knowledge of clinical supervision principles and methods toward enhancing counselor’s group counseling skills toward improved client outcomes.
A003. Clinical Supervision: Leading through Serving
Level: ALL
Presenter: Michael E. McGuire, LCSW, LCAS, LMFT, CSS, MINT
Description: The increasing complexities of treating substance use disorders generates a high demand for qualified clinicians and clinical supervisors. Join us as we explore a wide variety of topics essential to successful supervision. We got it all: DSM & ASAM updates, 12 Core Functions, ethical decision-making, research, principles of effective leadership, Feedback Informed Treatment, risk management, the science of implementation, and self-care. Expect an informative, useful, and unusually fresh experience while you gain the knowledge, skills, and continuing education hours necessary to propel your career forward. Dress comfortably, roll-up your sleeves, and share in a conversation with your colleagues about what has worked, what has not worked, and what now.
(Sponsored by Behavioral Health Springboard)
A004. Process Addictions: A New Approach to Addictive Disorders
Presenter: Ellen E. Elliot, LCAS, LPC, CCS, CSAT
Level: Intermediate
Description: Process Addictions have changed the way we view addictive disorders. This track will present addiction as an intimacy disorder, preceded by trauma that disrupts the capacity for relational attachment. The types of process addictions will be discussed and participants will be provided with basic screening tools to identify specific addictive disorders. In addition to sharing information, media and experiential activities will be used to introduce a more comprehensive understanding of addictive disorders, as well as appropriate interventions, resources, and referral sources used to adequately address the interactions among disorders. This presentation is intended to enhance the treatment process for addicted clients and provide counselors with a greater knowledge of the underlying elements of addiction.
A005. Current Trends in Substance Abuse: New Disguises for the Usual Suspects
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Presenter: Darryl S. Inaba, PharmD. CADC III
Description:Discoveries of new abusable Phytochemicals and synthetic designer drugs molecules along with the continued proliferation of diverted prescription and OTC medications creates a significant challenge to the recognition and treatment of current drug abuse and addiction problems. “Spice, Bath Salts, Benzo Fury, Flakka, Kratom, Salvia, 2C-I, etizolam” and many other substances have recently exploded within the drug abusing subculture with severe adverse consequences. Despite their mystique, all can be generally viewed as being CNS stimulants, depressants or psychedelics: Uppers, Downers, All Arounders. This presentation will explore these trends as well as the new forms of cannabis (“shatter”) being abused then provide an update on what is known about their pharmacology and toxicology. How they complicate diagnosis and treatment of both addiction and mental health disorders will also be explored. The modification of molecules to circumvent detection and legal sanctions is almost infinite. Designer Drug modifications will be defined and explained.
- Recognize current abuse trends of synthetic or botanical street cannabinoids, CNS stimulants, opioid-like substances, psychedelics and diverted prescription medications. Participants will be able to identify and list the most prominent substances and abuse patterns with these trends.
- Increased awareness of the pharmacology and toxicology of current substances of abuse Participants will then be able to describe their impact on brain neurotransmitters that result in dependence or relapse to other drug addictions.
- Improved insight on the epidemic of prescription drug diversion into abuse and addiction process which also complicates appropriate diagnosis and treatment of co-occurring mental health and addiction disorders.
- Define and discuss “Designer Drugs” and how the “Designer Drug” phenomenon came about. They will be able to list at least five new drug abuse trends including those that are still unlegislated by the federal government and most states.
- Describe the three basic pharmacologic activities that almost all psychoactive drugs of abuse elicit in the brain to bring about their effects. Name at least two newly evolving drugs abuse trends for each of the basic pharmacologic effects.
- Identify at least three prescription drugs that are routinely diverted into abuse and addiction practices. Also name at least three “Over the Counter” (non-prescription) medications that are routinely abused. Describe how new trends in abuse of Prescription, Over the Counter, “Designer” and Phytochemicals confound the diagnosis and treatment of addiction and its co-occurring mental health disorders.
(Sponsored by: Dominion Diagnostics)
A006. Adolescent Substance Use Disorders: Current Perspectives & Treatment Approaches
Level: Intermediate
Presenter: Michael Torch, M.A., LADC
Description: This Track will review current perspectives on this very difficult treatment population. Effective treatment techniques and approaches will be presented didactically and experientially. Topics will include: developmentally appropriate screening and assessment techniques, biogenetic influences and consequences, neurological functioning and condition progression as well as productive intervention techniques.
Participants will:
- Gain an understanding of the developmental differences between adolescent and adult substance use disorders.
- Identify the neurobiological consequences of adolescent chemical use.
- Gain an understanding of the neurological conditioning that creates cognitive barriers to recovery for this population.
- Review current data regarding adolescent psychoactive chemical use in North Carolina and some of the current indicators of the consequences of such use.
- Review currently recognized evidence-based practices with this population and participate in analysis of those practices.
- Participation in specific skill building exercises that can be helpful with this population.
(Sponsored by SEATTC)
A007. Demystifying Behaviors
Level: ALL
Presenter: John Donovan, CADCII, LAADC
Description: “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not, but what I hate I do.” (Paul A.D. 65, Romans 7:15.) In the 5th Century, B.C., Plato defines man as “a being in search for meaning.” The journey to consciousness and the drive to understand one’s self is timeless.
Why do we perpetuate a cycle with sincere intent of breaking it? Why do our loved ones or our clients show such conviction to change their lives, and yet continue in cycles of substance abuse, violence, and self-harm? John Donovan takes the mystery out of these behaviors and identifies the root causes and conditioning that lead to self-defeating life patterns. John brings stories of profound breakthrough with inmates at Folsom Prison, the young and opiate-addicted in treatment, Sacramento’s homeless and a few cynics that considered themselves just fine. Throughout this experiential workshop, John invites participants to learn and employ the unique methods he’s developed, such as “Love Equals” to break down barriers to freedom and find peace in stillness and in chaos.
(Sponsored by Choices for Recovery)
A008. Ethical Considerations and Spirituality for Recovery Coaches
Level: Introductory (limited to 20 participants)
Presenters: Donald McDonald, MSW, LCAS, RCP; Brenda Monforti, QP, CSAC-I, RCP
Description: : The Center for Addiction Recovery Training (CART) developed Recovery Coach Academy (RCA) to prepare helpers to coach people more effectively through addiction recovery initiation, maintenance, and actualization. Ethical Considerations for Recovery Coaches expands on that the core RCA 30-hour training, exploring the ethical issues that arise when working in the grey area as a Recovery Coach.
Participants will:
- Understand what ethics are and why ethics are so important when performing Recovery Coach Services
- Learn how to “stay in their lane” as a Recovery Coach
- Understand the decision-making process
- Develop guidelines for making ethical decisions
- Expand their new learning of ethics in practical ways
(Sponsored by Recovery Communities of North Carolina)
A009. Breaking Free: Changing the Family Legacy
Level: Introductory/Intermediate
Presenter: Jamie Norton, LICDC-CS
Description: Addiction totally disrupts the family system and prevents the development of healthy individual and relationship skills. A vast number of individuals entering recovery have a family history of the disease that negatively impacts their recovery and often is a major causative factor in relapse.
This course utilizes both didactic and experiential learning experiences designed to help participants:
— to identify and understand the destructive processes and dynamics that are inherent in addictive and dysfunctional families
— to identify the various ways that living in addiction impacts family members’ development and behaviors
— to examine how family history effects present behaviors and blocks recovery
— to identify and remove emotional, psychological, and spiritual barriers to recovery and fellowship with others
— to identify recovery issues in clients who have a family history of addiction and utilize both experiential and didactic techniques to help them
Content includes:
Dynamics and processes inherent in family systems; healthy and unhealthy patterns of communications in family relationships; impact of addiction on family systems; the development of survival behaviors in family members; treatment issues in clients with a family history of addiction; barriers to recovery and effective technics in overcoming addictive family legacies; recovery issues and support. The track will also include possible cautions and pitfalls for counselors who are in recovery from their own or family members’ addictions.
A010. Beyond Strategies: What it Means to be a Prevention Professional
Level: Introductory/Intermediate
Presenter: Angela Maxwell, MS, CSAPC
Description: From IOM to YPE to CSAP to PSF, the acronyms are endless. Yet, the common denominator is they all represent strategies implemented within the substance use prevention continuum. In this world of best practices and evidence-based strategies, what is the prevention professional’s role in affecting change within this ever-changing landscape? This interactive track is an exploration of the core foundation of the substance use prevention specialist. Participants will gain greater understanding of what it means to be prevention professional through exploring the ICRC Six Prevention Domains (core competencies). Topics covered will include: planning and evaluation, prevention education and service delivery, communication, prevention theories, community organization, prevention ethics, public policy and environmental change; and professional growth and self-care.
Participants of this track will:
- Gain greater understanding of the skills, knowledge areas and tasks associated with being a prevention professional
- Gain a better understanding of the 6 Prevention Domains
- Become familiar with resources, training and supports available for individuals seeking certification
- Become familiar with the purpose and process of becoming a CSAPC
(Sponsored by NC MH/DD/SAS Office of Prevention)
A011. Trauma Informed Care: Seeking Safety and other Evidence Based Practices
Level: Basic/Intermediate
Presenter: Andrea Winkler, LCSW, LCAS
Description: This program is designed to introduce substance abuse and/or mental health practitioners to existing evidence-based practices for trauma informed care. Research and clinical evidence in substance use/mental health treatment indicate that clients are best served in a trauma informed environment. Increased understanding of the prevalence and nature of trauma, as well as evidence-based means to address these issues are important for improving the lives of individuals and their families.
The workshop is interactive and will incorporate participants’ experience, questions, and concerns. Participants will leave the session with a deeper understanding of their personal process in working with individuals exposed to trauma, the need for trauma informed services, the practical application of trauma informed services, and evidence-based tools for providing care to individuals with a trauma history .
Learning objectives:
- Understand the nature and prevalence of trauma among the substance abuse/mental health treatment population.
- Describe the need for trauma informed care and articulate three general tenants or recommendations for care.
- Possess a working knowledge of Seeking Safety and a possible plan for implementation.
- Identify additional evidence-based practices for trauma informed care in treatment.
- Understand secondary trauma and describe strategies for self-care.
Mini Tracks
B201. So, You Want To Get Credentialed? (3.25 hrs.)
Presenters: Danny Graves, LCAS, CCS; Mark Crabtree, LCAS CCS
Description: The North Carolina Substance Abuse Professional Practice Board (NCSAPPB) Forum session will include a brief history of the Board and the addiction profession in North Carolina. Requirements for all NCSAPPB-offered credentials will be reviewed from initial application through registration to fully credentialed status and biannual renewal.
(Sponsored by: NCSAPPB)
B202. MAT: Pharmacotherapy of New Formulation of Buprenorphine and Naltrexone
Presenter: John Femino, MD, FASAM, MRO
Description: This mini-track will review the pharmacology of new formulations of buprenorphine and naltrexone in office based opioid treatment and current perspectives on prescribing medications to opioid addicted patients. The clinical aspects of choice of medication and the role of the substance abuse therapist in relation to the prescribing physician and the goals of recovery will be highlighted. The recent ASAM practice guideline on pharmacotherapy for opioid addiction will be discussed with emphasis on integration strategies of non-pharmacological treatments. The concept of “recovery dose equivalency” will be used as a bridging model between harm reduction and abstinence based therapies.
Educational Objectives: Participants will be able to:
- Apply knowledge of the pharmacokinetics in deciding choice of medications.
- Identify strategies for medication choices based upon patient severity characteristics
- Increase knowledge of evidenced based opioid practice guideline
- Apply counseling approaches utilizing “recovery dose equivalency” in assisting the patient lower dosage and transition to an abstinence based goal
(Sponsored by: Dominion Diagnostics)
B203. The Intersection of HIV/AIDS Health Outcomes and US Populations
Presenter: Sherra’ White, PhD, MA.Ed, LPC, LCAS, CRC, CCS-I
Description:Since the beginning of the AIDS epidemic in the early 1980s, major advances have been made in the treatment and prevention of HIV worldwide. With the introduction of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) in the mid-1990s, there has been a dramatic change in the disease trajectory. HIV is now a chronic medically managed disease and government officials dare to speak of creating an AIDS free generation. Yet there are approximately 50,000 new infections each year and it is estimated that less than a third of the 1.2 million PLHIV in the US (treatment cascade) are optimally treating their disease or aware of their status.
More than a decade of research indicates gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) are the population most affected by HIV and AIDS. How do gender identity, sexual behavior, and sexual identity relate to HIV? For people in the LGBTQIA community, social and structural inequality, stigma, and discrimination are associated with poorer health status, and higher risk of exposure and spreading of HIV.
This workshop will provide an update on HIV disease behavioral health professionals. Part I will review the basic virology and course along with ART treatment. The focus will be on medical essentials that patients, nurses, and therapists need to know. In addition, particular emphasis will be placed on the current face (epidemiology) of this continuing epidemic along with the psychosocial factors (i.e., poverty, stigma, etc.) and frequent comorbid behavioral health problems that need to be addressed to engage and maintain high-risk populations in effective care. Part II will discuss effective strategies, prevention, and treatment approaches for working with the specific high-risk populations along with ethical issues related to HIV care.
Participants will:
- Describe the basic medical facts related to HIV infection and disease progression along with current HAART treatment.
- Understand the current status of the HIV epidemic in the United States.
- Identify the current epidemiological trends related to HIV disease as associated with specific populations along the HIV continuum.
- Discuss common psychosocial issues and frequent comorbid behavioral health disorders among HIV patients.
- Identify treatment gaps and needs of individuals living with HIV including use of measures to improve practice within your setting.
- Understand the multiple structural factors beyond individual risk behaviors that increase vulnerability among MSM of color and in living in the South.
B204. Update for Providers Serving Individuals with DWI Offenses
Presenters: Lynn B. Jones, MS, LPC, LCAS, CCS; Donna Brown, BSW, CSAC
Description: This session is primarily for the seasoned, authorized DWI provider. It will be an update on practices related to the delivery of substance use disorder services for individuals with DWI offenses. We will review the Best Practice Standards to include use of the “Placement Decisions” worksheet that incorporates DSM5 and DWI law/rules. This session will also include guest speakers from the UNC School of Government and from the ignition interlock community.
Shea Denning, J.D., Professor of Public Law and Government, specializes in motor vehicle law and the criminal laws and procedures associated with this subject area. She teaches and consults with judges, prosecutors, public defenders, magistrates and others. She will provide an update on recent DWI-related legislation and other topics of interest.
Robert Staley has been working with local ignition interlock providers for just over 8 years. He will provide an overview of what the customer experiences, the hurdles involved with the proper use of ignition interlock and its associated costs.
B205. [CANCELLED] What’s New in the DSM 5?
Presenters: Martha Early, Ph.D., LCSW, LCAS
Description: This session will help participants:
- Better understand the history and purpose of the DSM and its evolution over time
- Be better able to relate the DSM to the psychological presentations of clients
- Be better able to facilitate a bio-psycho-social assessment which will lead to a more accurate diagnosis
- Become more familiar with most major changes to the DSM 5
- Be better able to recognize the importance of recording accurate diagnoses and proper use of specifiers in relation to their clients’ service needs
- Be better prepared to address the assessment and diagnosing of co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders for proper treatment placement
B206. Making the Connection: The Interrelationship Between Trauma and Substance Use
Presenter: Cheryl Harrison, MA, LPC, MSW LCSW, RYT 200
Description: : Current research and treatment strategies have identified that trauma plays a significant role in the assessment, understanding and interventions in the treatment of substance use. This session will address research/statistics of trauma’s impact on substance use, the assessment of trauma and interventions helpful in providing comprehensive integrated treatment services.
By the end of the workshop participants will be able to:
- Describe types of trauma and the influence of trauma on mental health
- Identify methods for assessment of trauma
- Demonstrate interventions for grounding in order to assist with emotional regulation
- Discuss models of trauma intervention
B207. Gender Responsive Substance Abuse Treatment for Women: What Works!
Presenter: Amelia Roberts-Lewis, Ph.D., LCSW
Description: This interactive workshop will address the need for gender responsive and integrated multidimensional treatment services for women with Substance Use and Co-Occurring Disorders. Research regarding factors that impact women as it relates to specific drugs, barriers, and mental health issues will be highlighted. Best practices and evidenced based treatment models will be shared. Experiential exercises that are useful tools in your work with recovering women will be integrated throughout the day. Treatment issues and ethical considerations will be discussed.
Upon completion of this workshop, participants should be able to:
- Discuss the need for gender responsive treatment for women;
- Explicate two salient principles of Relational Theory;
- Examine two reasons for the need to incorporate integrated treatment for co-occurring disorders;
- List at least one Integrated Treatment Model that you may consider for agency use;
- Identify two ways in which you will change your practice or beliefs when working with women substance abusers
B208. The “Treatment Resistant” Client
Presenter: Ward Blanchard, LCAS, CSI, MA
Description: In the behavioral health and substance abuse industry, professionals often encounter “treatment resistant” clients. Unfortunately, too many professionals take on the attitude and approach of—“if the client isn’t ready (or has not hit rock bottom), no one can help them.” Such a draconian and outdated approach, flies in the face of medical evidence, effective treatment, and healthy intervention. What does, “meeting the client where they are at” really mean? A popular sales-pitch line for marketers, but what is the clinical understanding of such a statement? How do we apply this approach in a clinical setting? Substances of abuse have profound impact and influence on brain functioning; consequently, a brain impacted by substances will often signal a client—“I need drugs or alcohol to survive”. As a result, families and professionals often experience this “brain influence” in defiant behavior, treatment resistance, and a lack of emotional regulation. Understanding evidenced-based approaches and effective interventions require an understanding of individual client demographics, neurobiology, and family system dynamics. Most of the time, “treatment resistant clients” are the result of frustrated, unwilling, and unprepared professionals.
Learning Objectives:
- Attendees will learn the neuroscience involved with substance abuse
- Attendees will hear the neuroscience involved with family members of an identified patient
- Attendees will understand how symptoms appear as “treatment resistance”
- Attendees will learn effective, evidence-based treatment approaches for treatment resistant clients
- Attendees will absorb: What are the roles of the professional with resistant clients and families?
(Sponsored by The Blanchard Institute)
B209. [CANCELLED] Feedback Informed Treatment: Everybody Wants to Know Your Business
Presenter: Michael E. McGuire, LCSW, LCAS, LMFT, CC, MINT
Description: Everybody wants to know your business. Not your personal life (let’s leave that to social media), but your real business. What is it you and your agency do? Most importantly, does it work? Here’s who’s asking: clients, clinicians, supervisors, program managers, agency leadership, community advocates, LME/MCO’s, insurance companies, grant administrators, …, you got the idea. Feedback Informed Treatment, an NREPP evidence-based model developed by Scott Miller, is a useful and efficient way to satisfy stakeholder curiosity. Know whether what you are doing is working in time to change it and improve client retention and outcomes. Join us for a fast-paced exploration of this popular (and increasingly required) process of advancing client progress and collecting data along the way.
Areas of Exploration:
- The myth of clinical experience
- The therapeutic alliance as a predictor of outcomes
- The nuts and bolts of eliciting client feedback
- The not-so-mysterious science of implementation
(Sponsored by Behavioral Healthcare Springboard)
B210. The Art of Self Care
Presenter: Kelsy Timas, CHLC, HHA
Description: With North Carolina sitting at the top of the national list of highest addiction rates in the
country the burden is felt significantly by our licensed professionals serving this population
everyday. In a recent survey addressing “burnout” all resigning counselors cited self-care as
important strategies for managing burnout. Other research indicates that “burnout” contributes
to higher rates of counselor turnover; increasing costs, decreasing efficiency and morale, and
adversely influencing patient outcomes.
When it comes to “Self Care”, where do we begin? Fact: Only 3% of Americans
practice the recommended lifestyle habits to be healthy and happy. Mindfulness has a golden
rule that says “you can only extend to others what you have already extended to yourself”. In an
industry that is hyperfocused on self awareness there is often little care for the caregiver and a
growing need to honor and tend to the work /life balance. This session will guide you to identify
your current self care needs, personal goals and explore the benefits of a daily self care practice
as Kelsy dives into the discipline and the art of living well.
B211. Different Day, Same Struggle
Presenter: Darlene Hopkins, PhD, LPCS, LCAS,CCS
Description: This session will provide descriptions and treatment of Personality Disorders Co-Occurring with Substance Use Disorder. This highly interactive workshop incorporates short lectures into experiential learning and is designed to update the addictions professional on the research science concerning personality disorder as it develops and is treated alongside substance use disorder. Participants will learn to apply diagnostic and treatment techniques.
Participants will be able to:
- Explain a theory of how personality disorder develops alongside substance use disorder.
- Describe how to manage the disruptive behavior of personality disorder in group settings.
- Describe at least one method of treating personality disorder
Concurrent Plenaries
C401. The Opiate Epidemic: How Did We Get in this Mess? BTW, It’s Your Job to Clean it Up (Tuesday Afternoon; 1:45-5:30 p.m.)
Presenter: Robert Martin, JD
Description: The presenter will discuss changes in drug company marketing, pain management guidelines and cultural expectations of people to live pain free that have led to over prescribing and drug culture changes. The 2016 CDC guidelines for prescribing pain medications will be reviewed. The changes in importation of heroin and distribution will be explained. Distribution and the “pizza business model” used by the Mexican cartels in many areas will be explained. The presenter will review techniques for community collaboration and methods different groups have facilitated for prevention, treatment and law enforcement to address this growing epidemic. Participants will be educated on new designer opiates and opiate substitute drugs of abuse.
(Sponsored by: REM & Associates)
C402. How to Get Away with Unethical Behavior: Research on Decision Making (Tuesday Afternoon; 1:45-5:30 p.m.)
Presenter: Sean Pumphrey, MSW, LCSW
Description: Most presentations and talks on ethics delineate what the Code of Ethics consist of and present case histories of what occurred in unethical behavior. This presentation utilizes a dynamic, research informed format which may assist students, professionals, and clients to become more self-aware; therefore, prevent or overcome ethical breaches. There are fascinating reasons why ethics are compromised and include but not limited: self-attribution, emotional states, creativity, altruistic beginnings, ego depletion, and moral erosion. This workshop will assist in preventing unethical breaches include but are not limited to: monitoring, honor pledge, slow ethical consideration, moral saliency, and changing frame of reference.
(An additional .5 hour of credit available for participants needing 4 hours ethics – must complete additional assignment)
C403. Shame: The Enemy Of Recovery (Tuesday Afternoon; 1:45-5:30 p.m.)
Presenter: Jamie Norton, LICDC-CS
Description: All of us want to be loved but most of us are terrified to be known. The guilt and resulting shame inherent in addiction and early recovery makes us want to hide. Shame is a sense of being a flawed and helpless failure and leaves us with a fear of being exposed. It leaves us feeling, separated and alienated from others and prevents us from being honest and reaching out for the help essential to maintaining recovery. This session will explore the central nature of shame, the various sources of shame and its effect in isolating us from our true self and from each other. Strategies for identifying, and resolving guilt and shame in clients will be offered.
The session will utilize both didactic and experiential technics to help participants:
- Define shame and be able to discuss the differences between shame and guilt
- Identify the types and origins of shame
- Describe common responses to shame and their impact on intimate relationships
- Identify the barriers to recovery inherent in unresolved shame issues
- Utilize strategies and technics for helping clients resolve shame and guilt in recovery
C404. Current Research on the Addicted Brain (Tuesday Afternoon; 1:45-5:30 p.m.)
Presenter: John Femino, MD; Darryl Inaba, PharmD., CATC-V, CADC III
Description: Breakthroughs in understanding the pharmacology, brain processes, and impact of addiction on individuals vulnerable to develop Substance-Related Addictive Disorders led to passage of the Addiction Equity Act in 2008. Continued investigations find anomalies in those who are predisposed to or who have developed substance use and/or behavioral compulsivity disorders. Expansion of brain imaging techniques and other research tools validate addiction and even its recrudescence (relapse) episodes to be neurobiological variances in the neuro-cellular, neuro-chemical, and neuro-functioning of those who experience addiction. The brain anomalies associated with addictive disorders provide an understanding for why a diverse variety of drugs and behavioral compulsions can develop into addiction in specific individuals. These also help to explain why some are more likely than others to relapse after treatment for their condition.
This session will explore the pharmacology, brain anomalies, and impact that addiction has on the brain. How this impacts the treatment and recovery process of Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders will be discussed. It will provide firm validation that addiction is not a moral dysfunction or a will power issue but an actual medical and biological anomaly of the most important organ to human existence, the brain. The presentation is hoped to provide information that will help inspire development of tools to increase better clinical management of addictive disorders so as to promote long-term sobriety (recovery) that can help prevent further catastrophic consequences that can result from this chronic persistent medical disorder.
(Sponsored by: Dominion Diagnostics)
C405. Biofeedback Applications for Substance Abuse Treatment (Tuesday Afternoon; 1:45-5:30 p.m.)
Presenter: Tami Fragedakis, PhD
Description: This presentation will provide participants with the ability to:
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of the central autonomic network in relation to health
- Demonstrate ways to measure the central autonomic nervous system
- Explore the various components of biofeedback and neurofeedback and how they relate to functioning of the central autonomic network
- Identify ways why changes in the central autonomic network are related to health and disease
- Define how biofeedback and neurofeedback modalities can help alleviate symptoms of substance abuse disorders
- Identify ways of enabling individuals to develop healthy coping outlets through effective biofeedback training
C406. Viewing Relapse as an Opportunity for Growth (Tuesday Afternoon; 1:45-5:30 p.m.)
Presenter: Oliver J. Johnson, Ph.D., LCSW, LCAS, CCS
Description: Relapse is more than just using alcohol or drugs. It is the progressive process of becoming so dysfunctional in recovery that self-medication with alcohol or drugs seems like a reasonable choice. In this session, participants will be introduced to the benefits of viewing relapse not as a catastrophe, but as a significant and potentially life altering opportunity for growth.
The following components of Terry Gorski’s evidence-based model will shared:
The Relapse Process
Step 1: Getting Stuck in Recovery
Step 2: Denying That We’re Stuck
Step 3: Using Other Compulsions
Step 4: Experiencing A Trigger Event
Step 5: Becoming Dysfunctional on the Inside
Step 6: Becoming Dysfunctional on The Outside
Step 7: Losing Control
Step 8: Using Addictive Thinking
Step 9: Going Back to Addictive People, Places, and Things
Step 10: Using Addictive Substances:
Step 11: Losing Control Over Use
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Describe process of addiction and relapse from socio-cultural perspectives.
- Define and describe key phases of the relapse process.
- Define and describe the benefits of relapse as a substantive opportunity for growth.
Plenary Sessions
D100. Hope Dies Last (Monday, 12:00-2:00 p.m.)
Presenter: Geri Miller, PhD, LP, LCAS, LPC
Description: This plenary session will provide an overview of the important impact of hope, resilience, and self-care on addiction counselors and their clients. Currently there are many stressors placed on both counselors and clients as they address the disease of addiction in counseling. Counselors need to draw on their sources of hope and resilience as well as practice self-care in order to best serve the welfare of the client during these stressful times. Those counselors who practice self-care are able to pass on their sense of hope and their capacity for resilience to their clients. Both general and specific approaches to developing and maintaining hope and resilience through the practice of self-care are provided in this presentation.
D200. Resource Panel (Monday, 2:00-2:45 p.m.)
Presenters: : Jane Albers, LCSW, LCAS, CCS, President, NCFADS; additional panel presenters TBA
Description: Information, resources and awareness of addictions and substance use disorders programs, both private and public sector, will be provided in this session designed to assist both new and seasoned practitioners in determining options and available treatment and related resources in NC and beyond.
D300. Solutions to Addiction: The Cause, the Policies and the Effect! (Monday, 3:30-5:45 p.m.)
Presenter: John Shinholser; Carol McDaid, BA
Description: This presentation will reveal the exact nature of the cause of our current addiction epidemic to include the opiate spike, the major policy effects and how they accelerated the depths of our current crises. The only good news is some of us know the exact critical starting point to dial back our crisis and rejoin the human race, because our crises is caused by human misunderstanding.
D400. Closing Plenary: What Does “Person Centered Practice” Mean in the 21st Century? (Friday, 1:00-2:15 p.m.)
Presenter: Paul Toriello, RhD
Description: Person centered therapy, person centered thinking and planning are becoming increasingly ubiquitous in the lexicon of the substance abuse and greater behavioral health fields. However, to what extent are we actually practicing in accordance with the principles of person centeredness? The purpose of this session is to examine this question and identify the barriers to and facilitators of person centered practice in the 21st century.
Evening Extra Credit Tracks
E100. Open AA Meeting & Informational Session (Monday, 7:15-8:45 p.m.)
Facilitator: David W.
Description: This session will focus on “Understanding Anonymity and Misconceptions”. How does one maintain their own recovery while working in the recovery field and problems they may have encountered? Attendees in recovery share information and learn from each others’ experiences. A primary purpose of the meeting is to share personal experiences as well as up to date and useful information to help those in recovery.
E200. NA Meeting & Informational Session (Monday, 7:15-8:15 p.m.)
Facilitator: Jordan R; Paul A; and Nicole C.
Description: This session will focus on: What is Narcotics Anonymous? How someone can reach us and what we can do to help will also be discussed. A couple of us will give our experience of strength and hope.
E300. North Carolina’s Providers, Pregnant or Parenting Women Seeking Treatment (Monday, 7:15-8:15 p.m.)
Presenter: Judith Johnson-Hostler, MA, LCAS
Description: The training will look at the growing epidemic of opioid use and how the state is addressing it as it relates to pregnant or parenting women. It will provide the resources that are available to this population and accessing care across the state. Discussion on limiting the barriers to care for pregnant or parenting women with a Substance Use Disorder will be provided as well as navigating case studies.
E400. Memo to Self (Film & Discussion) (Tuesday, 7:15-9:15 p.m.)
Facilitator: Tony Beatty, LCAS, CCS
Description: Addiction is a potentially fatal illness – but it is also eminently recoverable. Certain professionals struggling with substance use disorders enjoy phenomenal success rates getting through earlybsobriety and into long-term remission of their addiction problems. What do they do? And what can we learn from them?
In this film,Dr Kevin McCauley re-lives his own precarious early sobriety – negotiating hazards such as hostile prosecutors, treatment programs with divided loyalties, and his own craving brain. Following the advice of the Addiction Medicine experts who helped him, he replicates the sobriety habits and success of recovering pilots and health care professionals. By framing addiction not as a problem of moral choice but as a safety/risk management challenge, Dr. McCauley explains how recovery is neither rare nor random – with the right kind of support, it can even be expected.
This film will prove a valuable tool for therapists, counselors, recovery coaches and clinicians to introduce audiences to the concepts and practices of Recovery Management and for people in early recovery and their families learning how to survive the first year of sobriety
E500. Benefits of Yoga for the Recovering Person (Wed., 7:!5-9:15 p.m.)
Facilitator: Will Carter, CSAC
Description: As a person in long-term recovery from addiction, I am constantly looking for healthy, life-giving ways to manage my condition. Yoga found me a few years ago, and has added a richness to my recovery that I never expected. Yoga has given me the ability to tolerate uncomfortable feelings and sensations that could lead to relapse. It has also helped me deepen and expand my community support, which is essential to all recovering people. Additionally, physical movement and exercise is an invaluable tool for people seeking to break free from the bondage of addiction. In this session, we will practice some yoga together and discuss the many benefits of this ancient practice for recovering people!
E600. Chasing a Dragon (Film & Discussion)(Wednesday, 7:15-9:15 p.m.)
Facilitator: Bob Martin, J.D., CEAP
Description: An opioid and prescription drug abuse epidemic is sweeping the country, impacting all segments of society. To help raise awareness of this epidemic and to help educate young people on the dangers of addiction, the FBI and DEA have released the documentary Chasing the Dragon: The Life of an Opiate Addict, a compilation of heart-wrenching first-person accounts by addicts and family members of addicts about their experiences. (We will discuss the film, how to obtain a copy of Chasing the Dragon for use in their practice or agency and how to use it with families for education and as an intervention tool.)
Conference Schedule
CLICK HERE to Download a Campus Map
Monday, July 31, 2017
9:00 – 11:00 a.m. — Registration, Check-In, & Visit Exhibitors (Warwick Center)
11:00 – 11:30 a.m. — Welcome Session (Burney Center)
11:30 – 12:00 p.m. — Luncheon
12:00 – 2:00 p.m. — Opening Plenary, D100: Hope Dies Last
Geri Miller, PhD, LP, LCAS, LPC
2:00 – 2:45 p.m. — D200: Resource Panel Plenary
Jane Albers, LCSW, LCAS, CCS, NCFADS President;
Additional Panelists TBD
2:45 – 3:30 p.m. — Ice Cream Social with Exhibitors (Warwick Center)
3:30 – 5:45 p.m. — Plenary Session, D300: “Solutions to Addiction: The Cause, the Policies, and the Effect!”
John Shinholser and Carol McDaid, BA
7:15 – 8:45 p.m. — Extra Credit Evening Sessions
E100: AA Open Meeting& Informational Session
7:15 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. (1.5 Extra Credit Hours)
E200: NA Meeting & Informational Session
7:15 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. (1 Extra Credit Hours)
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
7:00 – 7:45 a.m. — Breakfast in Wagoner Hall (Residents Only)
8:00 – 9:00 a.m. — Check-In (Warwick Center)
9:00 – 10:00 a.m. — Mini-Tracks
Session B201: So, You Want To Get Credentialed?
Session B202: MAT: Pharmacotherapy of New Formulation of Buprenorphine and Naltrexone
Session B203: The Intersection of HIV/AIDS Health Outcomes and US Populations
Session B204: Update for Providers Serving Individuals with DWI Offenses
Session B205: [CANCELLED] What’s New in the DSM 5?
Session B206: Making the Connection: The Interrelationship Between Trauma and Substance Use
Session B207: Gender Responsive Substance Abuse Treatment for Women: What Works!
Session B208: The “Treatment Resistant” Client
Session B209: [CANCELLED] Feedback Informed Treatment: Everybody Wants to Know Your Business
Session B210: The Art of Self Care
Session B211: Different Day, Same Struggle
10:00 – 10:15 a.m. — Break
10:15 – 12:30 p.m. — Mini-Tracks (Continued)
12:30 – 1:30 p.m. — Lunch (Wagoner Hall)
1:45 – 3:00 p.m. — Concurrent Plenary Sessions
Session C401: The Opiate Epidemic: How Did We Get in this Mess? BTW, It’s Your Job to Clean it Up
Session C402: How to Get Away with Unethical Behavior: Research on Decision Making
(Extra 0.5 NCSAPPA Credit Available for C402)
Session C403: Shame: The Enemy Of Recovery
Session C404: Current Research on the Addicted Brain
Session C405: Biofeedback Applications for Substance Abuse Treatment
Session C406: Viewing Relapse as an Opportunity for Growth
3:00 – 3:15 p.m. — Break
3:15 – 5:30 p.m. — Concurrent Plenary Sessions (Continued)
7:15 – 9:15 p.m. — Extra Credit Evening Sessions
E300: North Carolina’s Providers, Pregnant or Parenting Women Seeking Treatment
Judith Johnson-Hostler, MA, LCAS
7:15 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. (1 Extra Credit Hour)
E400: Memo to Self (Film & Discussion, 7:15-9:15 p.m.)
NCFADS Board Member, TBD
7:15 p.m. – 9:15 p.m. (2 Extra Credit Hours)
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
7:00 – 7:45 a.m. — Breakfast in Wagoner Hall (Residents Only)
8:00 – 9:00 a.m. — Check-In (Warwick Center)
9:00 – 10:00 a.m. — Main Track Sessions
Session A001: [CANCELLED] Therapy for Persons with Substance Use Disorders: A Practical Understanding and Approach
Session A002: Group Counseling: Theory, Research, and Practical Applications
Session A003: Clinical Supervision: Leading through Serving
Session A004: Process Addictions: A New Approach to Addictive Disorders
Session A005: Current Trends in Substance Abuse: New Disguises for the Usual Suspects
Session A006: Adolescent Substance Use Disorders: Current Perspectives & Treatment Approaches
Session A007: Demystifying Behaviors
Session A008: Ethical Considerations and Spirituality for Recovery Coaches
Session A009: Breaking Free: Changing the Family Legacy
Session A010: Beyond Strategies: What it Means to be a Prevention Professional
Session A011: Trauma Informed Care: Seeking Safety and other Evidence Based Practices
10:00 – 10:15 a.m. — Break
10:15 – 12:30 p.m. — Main Track Sessions (Continued)
12:30 – 1:30 p.m. — Lunch (Wagoner Hall)
1:45 – 3:00 p.m. — Main Track Sessions (Continued)
3:00 – 3:15 p.m. — Break
3:15 – 5:30 p.m. — Main Track Sessions (Continued)
7:15 – 9:15 p.m. — Extra Credit Evening Sessions
E500: Benefits of Yoga for the Recovering Person
Will Carter, CSAC
E600: Chasing a Dragon (Film & Discussion)
Bob Martin, J.D., CEAP
Thursday, August 3, 2017
7:00 – 7:45 a.m. — Breakfast in Wagoner Hall (Residents Only)
8:00 – 10:00 a.m. — Main Track Sessions (Continued)
10:00 – 10:15 a.m. — Break
10:15 – 12:30 a.m. — Main Track Sessions (Continued)
12:00 – 1:30 p.m. — Luncheon (Wagoner Hall) + “Free Time“
Friday, August 4, 2017
7:00 – 7:45 a.m. — Breakfast in Wagoner Hall (Residents Only)
8:00 – 10:00 a.m. — Main Track Sessions (Continued)
10:00 – 10:15 p.m. — Break
10:15 – 12:15 p.m. — Main Track Sessions (Continued)
12:30 – 2:15 p.m. — Luncheon & Closing Plenary (Burney Center)
D400: What Does “Person Centered Practice” Mean in the 21st Century?”
Paul Toriello, RhD
— Meet Our Keynote Speakers —
![NCFADS Summer School Speaker, Geri Miller](
Geri Miller
![NCFADS Summer School Speaker, Jane Albers](
Jane Albers
![NCFADS Summer School Speaker, John Shinholser](
John Shinholser
![NCFADS Summer School Speaker, Carol McDaid](
Carol McDaid
![NCFADS Summer School Speaker, Paul Toriello](
Paul Toriello
— Speaker Bios —
Andrea Winkler, MSW, LCSW, LCAS
Andrea has emerged in the last six years as an engaging and informative practice-based trainer. She maintains a full-time caseload at the Duke Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic where she provides mental health assessment and brief psychotherapy. Her passion for trauma and gender related issues began early in her academic experience at James Madison University, and continued throughout her MSW program at UNC Chapel Hill. Completion of UNC’s Certificate in Substance Abuse Studies provided additional specialization in a population for whom trauma is a primary co-occurring feature. Andrea has developed and led trainings that supports the practical application of trauma informed care into the medical, intellectual/developmental disabilities, mental health, and substance use treatment fields
Amelia C. Roberts-Lewis, PhD
LCSW is Associate Professor Emerita at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Social Work. Her primary area of translational research provides evidence based interventions for substance abusing women, teen girls, and homeless men with co-occurring mental health disorders and trauma histories. Roberts-Lewis has over 25 years of clinical experience within the substance abuse and mental health field which has shaped her interest in the delivery of evidence based practices. While at the university, she received grants awarded in the amount of $11 million dollars. In addition to a SAMHSA grant, awarded Sept. 2008 – Sept. 2013, she also collaborated with and received grants from the Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Roberts Woods Johnson, and other programs.
Dr. Roberts-Lewis was the Developer and Coordinator of the MSW/MDIV dual degree program in which students earn a Master of Social Work from UNC-CH and a Master of Divinity from Duke Divinity School. This MSW/MDIV program continues to be one of the outstanding programs in the country! Roberts-Lewis has taught several classes and provides local and national seminars in the area of mental health, substance abuse, cultural diversity, and the integration of spirituality and counseling. Dr. Roberts-Lewis, while faculty at UNC, co-led several summer school study abroad tours to Cuba, South Africa, and Kenya. Today, these skills are used to coordinate a number of global service trips for churches
Angela Maxwell, MS, CSAPC
Angela is the Prevention and Early Intervention Services Director for Alcohol and Drug Services. She oversees services in ten counties and has worked in substance use prevention 20 years. Angela has a B.A. Degree in English (UNC-Chapel Hill), M.S. Degree in Agency Counseling (NC A&T State University) and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies (NC A&T State University). After completing her MS, she worked with the local mental center serving youth with severe emotional and behavioral disorders. Angela is a Certified Substance Abuse Prevention Consultant (CSAPC) and has served as an adjunct professor for Guilford Technical Community College. Angela serves on several boards across North Carolina to include: NC Substance Abuse Prevention Providers’ Association (Board Chair), Addiction Professionals of NC (Immediate Past President), NAADAC: National Addictions Professionals Association (Southeast Region Vice President) and many others. Angela has received two statewide substance abuse professional of the year awards (2008, 2010).
Ben Bentley, LPCS, LCAS, CCS
Ben has been providing therapeutic services in NC for more than 30 years for individuals and families struggling with Substance Use and Mental Health issues. He began his career working for NC Public Mental Health and Substance Abuse Area programs providing direct services as well as designing and implementing programs for teens with Substance Use issues. He has provided services in a variety of clinical settings including outpatient, intensive outpatient, residential and hospital based programs. He has experience in the public and private sector. Currently, Ben is the Director of Therapy Services at Mood Treatment Center in Winston-Salem, NC. In his current role, Ben provides therapy services for individuals and families, training for new clinicians, Clinical Supervision for clinicians seeking professional license, coordination and supervision of Graduate Student Interns, and educational training in the community.
Brenda Monforti, QP, CSAC-I, RCP
Brenda is family, friend and Ally to the recovery community. She is a Certified Substance Use Counselor and Program Manager for the NC Substance Abuse Services Initiative (SASI) which provides North Carolina Army National Guard (NCARNG) Service members high quality, no-cost, substance use assessment, prevention and brief intervention services. Brenda served in the United States Air Force from 1992-1998. She graduated from Bellevue University in 1999 with a Bachelor of Science in Management of Human Resources and Training, contributing to her 22 years of experience in Training, Advocacy and Public Speaking. Brenda is a Recovery Coach Academy (RCA) certified trainer and Recovery Coach Professional (RCP) through the Center for Addiction Recovery Training (CART).
Cheryl Harrison, MA, LPC, NCC, MSW, LCSW, RYT200
Cheryl is the Social Work Supervisor for the Adult Acute Admissions Unit at Cherry Hospital. She has over 30 years of clinical and supervisory experience in the field of mental health, developmental disabilities and substance abuse. She is currently the Mental Health Team Lead on the National Disaster Medical Team-East (NC-1 Disaster Medical Assistance Team), and continues a 20 year private practice in Goldsboro, NC. She is certified in EMDR, and is a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga teacher. Cheryl currently teaches beginning yoga classes in the community and teaches classes for staff at Cherry Hospital as a way of offering self-care to staff.
Danny Graves, LCAS, CCS
Danny is currently the Director of Clinical Supervision at the McLeod Addictive Disease Center in Charlotte, NC. His specific responsibilities include designing and implementing supervision plans with clinical staff, ongoing individual and group supervision, training and education to staff, etc. Previous employment positions include Narcotic Treatment Program Manager, Compliance Director, Adult Outpatient Director, Team Program Leader, and Adolescent Facility Coordinator/Counselor.
Darlene Hopkins, Ph.D., LPCS, LCAS, CCS
Darlene is an addictions specialist and psychotherapist. She is currently working as Clinical Supervisor in her 25th year at Counseling and Psychological Services at Methodist University in Fayetteville, NC. She teaches psychology as adjunct faculty and oversees graduate counseling internships. Dr. Hopkins has been in the field for 37 years.
Darryl S. Inaba, PharmD, CATC-V, CADC III
Dr. Darryl S. Inaba is currently the Director of Clinical and Behavioral Health Service, Addictions Recovery Center, Medford Oregon and Director of Research and Education at CNS Productions, Inc. in Medford Oregon. Dr. Inaba is a Lifetime Fellow at Haight Ashbury Free Clinics in San Francisco and Associate Clinical Professor of Pharmacy at the University Of California San Francisco School Of Pharmacy. He also serves as Special Consultant/Instructor for the University of Utah School on Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependencies. Dr. Inaba has served on numerous boards and commissions and he has received over 90 individual awards of merit. He earned a Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of California, San Francisco School of Pharmacy in 1971 and is a Certified Addiction Treatment Counselor (CATC) Level V and a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor III. Dr. Inaba is the author of several publications and award winning educational videos on all aspects of substance abuse work. He is a co-author of Uppers, Downers, All Arounders; the principal text on substance use disorders being used in over 400 U.S. universities and six foreign languages.
Donald McDonald, MSW, LCAS, RCP
Donald is a man thriving in long-term recovery from mental health and substance use disorder since October 12, 2004. He is a Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist and has been working in the addiction treatment and recovery field since 2010. Donald served in The United States Navy from 1986 to 1992. He graduated from NC State in 1997 with a Bachelor of Arts in English Teacher Education and he holds a Master of Social Work from UNC Chapel Hill, class of 2016. Donald is a Recovery Coach Academy (RCA) certified trainer and Recovery Coach Professional (RCP) through the Center for Addiction Recovery Training (CART). Donald McDonald is now the Director of Advocacy and Education with Recovery Communities of North Carolina (RCNC).Bio Coming Soon…
Donna Brown, BSW, CSAC
Donna has been credentialed in the substance abuse field since 2000 and been with the NC Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services since 2011. Currently, she is a DWI Specialist for DWI Services. This office authorizes programs statewide, promotes evidence-based practices and monitors 400+ providers to ensure effective services for individuals with DWI offenses.
Ellen E. Elliot, LCAS, LPC, CCS, CSAT
Ellen is a licensed addictions specialist and professional counselor in North Carolina, as well as a nationally certified Sex Addiction Therapist. Ellen has more than 25 years of experience in the addictions field and has been in private practice since 2002. She is trained in EMDR, EFT, and has trained extensively in the area of process addictions. Ellen specializes in issues related to emotional trauma, attachment, intimacy, and co-dependency. She works with men and women who struggle with addictions and compulsive behaviors, as well as partners and couples impacted by such issues. Currently, she is also a PhD student, focusing her research on the consequences of cultural and historical trauma in Nepal, Ethiopia, and Native America.
Geri Miller, Ph.D.
Geri is a Professor in the Department of Human Development and Psychological Counseling (Clinical Mental Health Counseling Track) at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina. In North Carolina, Dr. Miller is a Licensed Psychologist, a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist, and a Substance Abuse Professional Practice Board Certified Clinical Supervisor. She has also received a Certificate of Proficiency in the Treatment of Alcohol and other Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders from the American Psychological Association College of Professional Psychology. Dr. Miller has worked in the counseling profession since 1976 and in the addictions field since1979. She is a volunteer with the American Red Cross Disaster Mental Health Services and works as a volunteer psychologist at the Watauga County Health Department. Dr. Miller has published and presented research on counseling. In 2003 she published a book with Wiley, Incorporating Spirituality in Counseling and Psychotherapy. In 2011, Wiley published her book, Fundamentals of Crisis Counseling, and in 2012 published her book, Group Exercises for Addiction Counseling. In 2015 she published a fourth edition of her book on addiction counseling, Learning the Language of Addiction Counseling, with Wiley. She is currently a member of the American Psychological Association’s Psychology of Religion (Division 36) and Addictions (Division 50) and the American Counseling Association’s divisions of the Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC) and the International Association of Addictions and Offender Counselors (IAAOC). She serves on the North Carolina Substance Abuse Professional Practice Board.
Jamie Norton, LICDC-CS
Jamie obtained her initial certification in addictions counseling in the early 80’s and continued to progress to the highest certification available in NC until moving to OHIO in 2002. She has been a Licensed Clinical Supervisor in Addiction Counseling in the state of Ohio for the past 15 years. She is owner of Circles of Grace, a private counseling practice, through which she offers individual and couples counseling, conducts Making Peace retreats for adults from addictive and dysfunctional families in several states, and oversees the recovery ministries in her church.
Prior to moving to Ohio in 2002, Jamie spent 25 years in the addictions field in North Carolina. Her various positions included:
- Director of Substance Abuse Services- Foothills community Mental Health, Morganton, NC
- Director of Youth substance Abuse Treatment, NC Division of MH/MR and SAS,NC Department of Human Resources, Raleigh, NC
- Clinical Director, Mary Frances Addiction Treatment Center, Tarboro, NC
- Owner, Jamie Norton and Associates- Raleigh, NC-Private practice including individual, family outpatient counseling and intensive outpatient treatment
Jamie served on various boards and committees including the first NC Governor’s Council on Alcohol and Drug abuse, Chairperson of the NC Community Corrections Partnership Board, APNC, the Baptist State Convention Advisory Board on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, and was Founder and Chairperson of the NC Association for Children of Alcoholics. She was the recipient of the Norbert Kelly Award given by APNC to the Outstanding Addiction Professional in the state of NC.
She served as a consultant and speaker for multiple state and national organizations and is the author and publisher of several articles related to family addiction and children of alcoholics. Her recent book: Secrets From The Third Pew- is a personal memoir of her journey and lessons learned along the way. Jamie recently celebrated 38 years in recovery from her own addiction.
John Donovan, CADCII, LAADC
John volunteered as a facilitator for Conflict Resolution workshops at Folsom State Prison from 1995 to 2001. He completed his certification as a Drug and Alcohol Counselor in 2000 while working at Transitional Living and Community Support, with mentally ill, homeless, chemically-addicted individuals from 1998 to 2003. From 2003 to 2015, John contracted with the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office facilitating Relapse Prevention, Personal Development and Intentional Living Groups with violent offenders and addicts at the Main Jail and at the Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center. He has lived in recovery from drugs and alcohol for 28 years and has been working with men throughout his recovery process, either in workshops or men’s groups, inside and outside of institutions. He has completed a 52 week Men’s Accountability Program and has been a Violence Intervention Program facilitator for the past 16 years. John has conducted numerous workshops in the community, separate from his work with incarcerated individuals. John facilitates groups at West Coast Recovery Center with emphasis on assisting men and women to be their authentic selves and travels nationally, facilitating Intentional Living workshops.
John P. Femino, MD, FASAM
Dr. John Femino is the Founder of the Meadows Edge Recovery Center, a multidisciplinary medical and mental health group practice, and substance abuse treatment program in North Kingstown, RI. He received his MD from Brown University, and is board certified in addiction medicine and internal medicine. Dr Femino has received a number of grants for alcohol and substance abuse-related projects, and was the recipient of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Career Teacher in Alcohol and Drug Abuse grant at Brown University, where he taught for nearly 20 years.
Dr Femino has been active in ASAM for over 30 years, serving on the national board of directors as New England Regional Director and as President of the Rhode Island Society of Addiction Medicine. He frequently lectures and conducts workshops on topics including the neurobiology of addiction and recovery, pain management in the addicted patient, diagnostic criteria for addiction, drug testing in addiction medicine, the SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment) approach, and insurance coding and billing. He has participated as writer/reviewer for ASAM buprenorphine publications, drug testing and public policy on marijuana and is on the ASAM Quality Improvement Council, Payor Relations Committee and Legislative Advocacy Committee. As a consultant to the RI DOH, he is a member of the Prescription Drug Advisory Group and the RI Attorney General, marijuana advisory group. He co-authored a book on neurobiology of 12 step programs and is on the faculty of the North Carolina School of Alcohol and Drug Studies. Dr Femino has also produced/coproduced 2 prime-time television specials on alcoholism and 9 substance abuse-related videotapes, as well as been a grant recipient on development of web based medical education and text messaging for pain management.
Judith Johnson-Hostler, MA, LCAS
Judith is a master’s level clinician who has worked in the field of addiction for over 20 years. She is currently a student at North Carolina Central University where she is obtaining her second master’s degree. She obtained her bachelor’s degree from Thomas Edison State University (Trenton, NJ) and holds a Master’s degree in Psychological Counseling from Monmouth University (Long Branch, NJ).
Presently, Judith is employed at the Alcohol Drug Council of North Carolina as the Coordinator for the state’s Perinatal Substance Use Project. She is responsible for providing training and care coordination for women seeking residential treatment and serves as a consultant to both the NC Division of Public Health/Women’s Branch of Raleigh and the Division of Mental Health/Development Disability/Substance Abuse Services in the Addictions & Management Operation Section. Her current focus of her work is addressing the opioid epidemic, focusing on pregnancy and women with children with a substance use diagnosis and the importance of integrated care coordination.
Kelsy Timas, CHLC
Kelsy is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Life Coach and Wellness Educator assisting the world in discovering and recovering a life in balance. She is a proud member of the American Holistic Health Association (AHHA), International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) and National Board of Drugless Practitioners. On a mission to serve humanity in their journey and return to holism, Kelsy invests her time and talents in people and organizations looking for wellness solutions that move us toward a more balanced and integrative world. Her vision for the future is the driving force behind the growth and development of her company, Guiding Wellness Institute Inc.
Beginning a career in Medical Management and Nursing, Kelsy discovered that her passion was in preventative and holistic based practices which redirected her studies and ultimately her life. This faithful decision refocused her vision resulting in the creation of her company, Guiding Wellness, and her “Be Well” philosophy. At a very uncertain time in our nation and a
new husband deployed to Iraq with the U.S. Army, Kelsy bloomed where she was planted, creating a Holistic Health practice in Fayetteville, NC that now serves people all over the world. With her passion to serve Veterans, First Responders, Healthcare professionals and other Caregivers, Kelsy often refers to herself as the “Caregivers Care Giver”. With over 20
years of diverse Holistic Health experience, certifications that include early childhood development, counseling addiction, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, and Yoga and Body Therapies; Kelsy’s most important accomplishments are still on the horizon. She is committed to her vision for the growth of her company to be a nationally sustainable wellness solution that assists people in bridging the gap in their lives in order to maintain a life in Balance. Kelsy’s success can be attributed to her deep desire to help people create their best life, a natural entrepreneur and pioneering spirit that has never been afraid to create solutions needed in order to find “a better way”, and the sincere belief that she is in service of her life’s calling. When she is not teaching or working with clients, Kelsy is enhancing her humanitarian footprint through her service on the Board of Directors for Connections of Cumberland County, Chambers for Hope, and Sustainable Neighbors. She also enjoys living her message of “Balance” through clean eating, the practice of Yoga, writing, and the creative arts. Her greatest desire is to leave the world better than she found it and strives to do that every day in as many ways as possible while Living Well.
Lynn B. Jones, MS, LPC, LCAS, CCS
Lynn has an MS degree from ECU in Substance Abuse Counseling & Rehabilitation Counseling and has been managing DWI services with the NC Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services since 2005. The office authorizes programs statewide, promotes evidence-based practices and monitors 400+ providers to ensure effective services for individuals with DWI offenses. She has over 15 years of substance abuse counseling experience in a variety of settings including: universal, selective and indicated prevention, general outpatient, gender-specific services, intensive outpatient, inpatient, detox and continuing care.
Mark Crabtree, MHR, LCAS, CCS
Mark lives in Clayton, NC and is a native North Carolinian, returning from twenty years of active duty service in 2001. Mark began his professional counseling career in the US Navy and has worked in a variety of clinical settings since entering the field in 1996. He served on the North Carolina Substance Abuse Professional Practice Board from 2007-2012 and was reappointed in 2015. Mark has a Masters in Human Relations from the University of Oklahoma and holds the Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist and Certified Clinical Supervisor credentials.
Martha Early, Ph.D., LCSW, LCAS
Martha is the Assistant Professor in the Department of Family & Community Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, VA where she is the Director of the Behavioral Medicine Division. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist with over 20 years in the field of mental health and substance abuse treatment and has worked in inpatient, outpatient and intensive outpatient settings. She received her Master of Social Work degree from East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, and her PhD in Higher Education from Old Dominion University, in Norfolk, VA. Dr. Early is adjunct faculty in the School of Social Work at East Carolina University and in the Departments of Health Sciences and Counseling and Human Services at Old Dominion University.
Michael E. McGuire, LCSW, LCAS, LMFT, CSS, MINT
Michael is employed by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Social Work as both a Clinical Assistant Professor and the Director of the Substance Use and Addiction Specialty program. He is a licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and Clinical Addictions Specialist (LCAS), and is a credentialed supervisor. His areas of expertise include: adolescent and family development, childhood trauma, substance use treatment, experiential learning, issues around military families, motivational interviewing, feedback informed treatment, clinical supervision, clinical model implementation, ethics, and workforce development.
Michael Torch, M.A., LADC
Michael is a Criminologist and addiction treatment provider with over 35 years of experience. He is a Senior Technology Transfer Specialist with Brown University/New England Addiction Technology Transfer Center in its efforts to disseminate Evidence-Based Practices. Was recognized by the New Hampshire Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor’s Association in 2002 with its “ Life Time Achievement Award”. Currently working in Outpatient Practice and Behavioral Health consultation. Michael has been a trainer of alcohol and drug counselors for over 30 years and currently serves on the faculty of Brown University/New England Addiction Technology Transfer Center and the New England School of Addiction Studies. He has extensive experience treating chemically dependent adolescents and trauma victims. His professional experience includes practice in public schools, correctional environments, treating law enforcement personnel, inpatient chemical dependency programs, outpatient practice and as a consultant to a First Nation Healing Program. He currently serves as a member of the US Probation Service’s New England Critical Incident Stress Management Team. Is a certified Trainer with The International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc. and provided Critical Incident Stress Debriefing to the Boston Police Department subsequent to the Marathon Bombing.
Oliver J. Johnson, Ph.D., LCSW, LCAS, CCS
Oliver is an Associate Professor, as well as the Certificate in Substance Abuse Studies Coordinator in the Department of Social Work at Fayetteville State University. Dr. Johnson earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Welfare at California State University, Chico. He obtained his Master’s and Doctorate degrees in Social Work from the Whitney M. Young School of Social Work at Clark Atlanta University.
Dr. Johnson has been a clinical social work practitioner for twenty-eight years, having served most recently as the Director for Harper University Hospital’s Canfield Health Services, a comprehensive out-patient mental health and substance abuse counseling clinic designed specifically for persons living with HIV/AIDS disease in the metropolitan Detroit area, and as Clinical Supervisor with Holy Cross. Dr. Johnson has conducted workshops nationally, regionally, and locally in a wide variety of forums on issues uniquely pivotal to the promotion of health and wellness among African American families. He is a licensed clinical social worker, a Diplomat in Clinical Social Work and a member of the Academy of Certified Social Workers.
Dr. Johnson has served as an adjunct lecturer at The University of Michigan School of Social Work, Ashland Theological Seminary/Pastoral Counseling Program, and in the Family Life Education Program at Spring Arbor University.
Dr. Johnson’s research interests continue to center around the development and utilization of evidence-based modalities for use with severely traumatized African American adolescents and families, as well as the development of empirically-grounded approaches for capturing the essence of spirituality as a primary coping paradigm among particularly vulnerable families of color. He is also interested in the process by which African American families become adversely affected by addictive behavioral disorders.
Paul Toriello, RhD, CRC, CCS, LCAS, LPC
Paul is the Chair and an Associate Professor in the Department of Addictions and Rehabilitation Studies. Dr. Toriello earned his RhD in Rehabilitation, specializing in Substance Related Disorders from the Rehabilitation Institute, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. He received a Bachelors in Psychology and a Masters in Rehabilitation Counseling from Wright State University.
Dr. Toriello’s research and training interests include innovation of evidence-based treatments for adults with substance abuse and mental health issues. He is particularly interested in Self-Determination Theory and counselors’ support of clients’ autonomy. Dr. Toriello has extensive experience with Motivational Interviewing (MI) and the Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA) including:
- Practicing and supervising MI and CRA since 1995,
- Training in Advanced MI (Trainers: William Miller & Terri Moyers),
- Training as a MI Trainer (Trainers: William Miller, Karen Ingersoll, Chris Wagner),
- Training in the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity coding system (Trainers: Terri Moyers & Denise Ernst),
- Training as a “Motivational Interviewing Assessment: Supervisor Tools for Enhancing Proficiency (MIA:STEP)” Trainer (Trainers: Steve Martino & Denise Hall),
- Extensive training in the CRA (Trainers: various),
- Membership with the international Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers since 2003,
- Receiving an American Rehabilitation Counseling Association Research Award for a study of MI in 2005, and
- Directing and supervising clinics based on MI and CRA since 1999.
In the role of Principal Investigator or Research Consultant, Dr. Toriello has participated in grant projects funded by SAMHSA, NIH, and other national and regional funding organizations.
Since entering the substance abuse treatment field in 1991, he has worked as a paraprofessional technician, counselor, case manager, clinical supervisor, trainer, and clinical director. Dr. Toriello is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, a Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist, a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate, and a Certified Clinical Supervisor. He has also been in recovery from addiction since 1989.
Robert E Martin, J.D., CEAP
Robert works for Blanchard Addiction Resources as a family consultant and interventionist. He is currently in the process of designing, planning, licensing and opening a free standing medical detox. Blanchard Addiction Resources provides intervention services to get loved ones into treatment and education and case management for families. Robert is speaking on what EAP’s can do to address the opiate epidemic at the International Employee Assistance Professional’s Conference in Chicago, Illinois this October.
Robert Martin was the President of R E Martin and Associates. He formed this group in 2013. He and his associates provide intervention services, professional consultation and professional education and sober transportation.
He was the Director of Substance Abuse Services for Carolinas Medical Center Mercy from March 1998 until September 2016. He was the director of a busy hospital based medical detox and an intensive outpatient program that offers specific treatment tracks for men, women, substance abusing chronic pain patients, dual diagnosis enhanced and traditional intensive outpatient therapy. He was credited by Sam Quinones in his book Dreamland: A True Tale of America’s Opiate Epidemic with identifying the change in patient demographics in the increase usage of black tar heroin.
Robert is very passionate about the treatment of Substance Use Disorder patients. His varied professional background as an employee assistance counselor, attorney and police sergeant give him a unique objective approach to the field. He has presented to the international Employee Assistance Professional Association, the National RX Drug Summit (2014), North Carolina Employee Assistance Professional conferences, North Carolina American Case Management Association conference and numerous other professional training venues. He has appeared in USA Today and on NBC, ABC, CBS and FOX television as an expert in heroin, opioid abuse and other addiction topics. He served as a professional advisor to Damian Lewis and the writers of Homeland for background on heroin withdrawal in the character Lewis played, Sergeant Brody.
Sean Pumphrey, MSW, LCSW
Sean is a psychotherapist at ECU Physicians. He attended UNC-Chapel Hill as an undergraduate and East Carolina University’s School of Social Work as a graduate student. Sean has several years of presentation experience on the regional and national level regarding ethics issues and other topics and receives excellent evaluations from participants on his dynamic speaking style. He has experience working with children, adolescents, adults, couples and families and specializes in anxiety, ADHD, grief, depression. Sean is currently an adjunct instructor at ECU’s Graduate School of Social Work and has taught at the University of North Carolina @ Pembroke and at Pitt Community College.
Sherra M. White, PhD, MA.Ed, LPC, LCAS, CRC, CCS-I
Sherra is the Psychosocial Manager for Non-Malignant Hematology at the Levine Cancer Institute. She is a Substance Abuse (LCAS and CSAC) approved Supervisor (CCS-I), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist (LCAS), and Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC). Dr. White is a graduate from East Carolina University with a Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Counseling & Administration. She also obtained her M.S. in Clinical Counseling & Substance Abuse (2011), MA.Ed in Health Education (2007), and B.S. School Health Education with a concentration in Science Education (2005) also from East Carolina University.
She has nine years of teaching experience ranging from public education, community colleges and four-year institutions. year institutions. She began counseling in 2008 as a Crisis Counselor and Assault Advocate for sexual assault/rape victims and working the national Suicide hotline, and has since broadened to areas of career/vocational, mental health and substance abuse counseling with all populations. She has published papers and presented at local, state and national counseling in the areas of resilience, ethnic identity, addiction, home-based counseling, internet counseling, pedagogy, and multicultural issues within counseling and higher education. Additionally, Dr. White is an experienced psychotherapist whom specializes in child and adolescent behavioral therapy, relationship counseling, identity issues, addiction counseling, career counseling, and counselor training & supervision.
Tami Maes Fragedakis, Ph.D.
Tami is a licensed professional counselor in the state of North Carolina and is nationally certified in biofeedback. Dr. Fragedakis received her Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Counseling from East Carolina University in Greenville, N.C. During her graduate coursework she contributed to various research studies including gathering data needed to establish a normative database for Heart Rate Variability measurements, video games for mental health, and a phenomenological piece on hurricane survivors. Her dissertation focused on the influence of biofeedback applications on the working alliance and treatment satisfaction during counseling. In 2005 she received the Intramural Training Research Award at National Institutes of Health, in the Clinical Rehabilitation Center, where she measured changes in HRV of individuals experiencing addiction disorders during their 28 day stay. In 2008, Dr. Fragedakis was assigned to help develop and administer the Training for Optimal Performance program at ECU, providing services to assist war fighters during their transition from duty to civilization. She continues to work with this program as an active board member.
In 2006, Dr. Fragedakis opened a private practice, Capital Biofeedback, Inc. where she has provided services for children and adults experiencing mental health conditions and stress related disorders. Since relocating to Phoenix, Az. in 2015, Dr. Fragedakis continues to provide care to established patients via tele-health modalities. She also serves as an adjunct instructor at Clemson University within the College of Behavioral, Social, and Health Sciences and also at Grand Canyon University within the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Wilmina Rosario, PhD., LPCS, LCAS, CCS
Wilmina is also a Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC), a Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (CCMHC) and is a Diplomate and Clinical Mental Health Specialist in substance use and co-occurring disorders of the American Mental Health Counselors Association.
Dr. Rosario has worked counseling individuals and families affected by substance misuse and substance use disorders as well as counseling individuals with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders. She has worked as a clinician, clinical supervisor, program supervisor and as Division Director in the substance use and mental health fields since 1987. She has extensive experience developing, managing and directing a wide range of substance use treatment and prevention programs.
Dr. Rosario is currently an Independent Clinical Preceptor and Consultant for the United States Navy’s Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program located at Camp Lejeune North Carolina, where she provides clinical supervision with a special focus on developing counselors’ group counseling skills. Most Recently, Dr. Rosario collaborated with DANYA International LLC and co- authored the Counselor Certification Curriculum for counselors working at the United States Navy’s Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Programs nationwide and abroad in preparing and attaining certification as Navy Alcohol Drug Counselors (ADC).
She also provides clinical consultation to executive management personnel and provides training, and consultation in clinical supervision to behavioral health clinicians and program administrators in the civilian and military systems of care toward their continued professional development.
Dr. Rosario’s professional interests include developing multi-cultural counseling competencies of behavioral health professionals particularly in working with Latino (a) immigrant populations.
Her other professional interests include research and treatment of eating disorders and obesity prevention. From 2014-2015 she served as the Counselor/Research Scientist for a research study investigating among other factors, the impact of counseling on the overall health of civilian and active duty military pregnant research participants and their offspring.
Dr. Rosario served as an elected member of North Carolina Substance Abuse Professional Practice Board from1996-2004, where she served on the Ethics committee and also held the position of Board Secretary. She currently serves as a member of the Substance Use Professionals’ State of the Art Training Committee and volunteers as an appointed Board member for the Pretrial Resource Center Board in Jacksonville, NC.
She is an active member of the American Counseling Association and its following divisions: The Association for Specialist in Group Work; The Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development, The Association for Education and Supervision, and The American Mental Health Counselors Association. Dr. Rosario is a member of the American Psychological Association and also maintains a small private counseling practice in Jacksonville NC.
Ward Blanchard, MS, CADC-II, LCAS
Nearly ten years ago, Ward Blanchard discovered his life’s passion and work in working in the field of mental health and addiction. Growing up in a small coastal town on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, Ward’s desire for helping others was cultivated through the “small town” values of neighbor helping neighbor, service work, hard work, and volunteering. Ward’s professional career began in a family business as he represented the third generation to work at Kellogg Supply Company, a building supply and lumber chain founded by his grandfather. Working in an established family company provided Ward with the opportunity to understand the value of relationships, communication, and integrity.
Although Ward thoroughly enjoyed working in business and with his family’s company—the field of Psychology and the “helping profession” were careers always close to his heart. Coachella Valley in Southern California provided Ward an environment where he could continue furthering his education while also working alongside some of the world’s most well-known addiction and mental health treatment centers like, The Betty Ford Center, Michael’s House Dual Diagnosis Center, and Foundations Recovery Network. Ward moved to Palm Desert, California and went back to school in 2008 to receive his Masters Degree in Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapy. Specializing in addiction, Ward obtained his advanced addiction counseling education and credential through California Association of Alcohol and Drug Counselors (CADC-II) which required a minimum of 8,000 hours of supervised counseling experience. Ward is a Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist (LCAS). Ward has worked in all facets of addiction treatment: interventions, admissions, business development, therapist, continuing-care, and operations. He has presented at national conferences, hospitals, continuing educational events, and treatment centers. Ward has an altruistic passion around educating the professional community about addiction and co-occurring disorders.
Since moving to Charlotte in 2014, Ward Blanchard and his company, Blanchard Addiction Resources, LLC has become one of the most prominent addiction and mental health professionals on the east coast. Recently, Ward and his wife Cristina founded The Blanchard Institute, LLC—an Intensive Outpatient Center that treats co-occurring disorders in adults and adolescents. Ward and his staff at Blanchard Addiction Resources approach addiction through a family systems model; helping entire family’s down a path of happy, healthy family recovery.
Will Carter, CSAC
Will is a person in long-term recovery from addiction, constantly looking for healthy, life-giving ways to manage the condition. Yoga found him a few years ago and has added a richness to his recovery that he never expected. Yoga has given him the ability to tolerate uncomfortable feelings and sensations that could lead to relapse. It has also helped deepen and expand his community support, which is essential to all recovering people. Additionally, physical movement and exercise is an invaluable tool for people seeking to break free from the bondage of addiction. In this session we will practice some yoga together and discuss the many benefits of this ancient practice for recovering people!
Registration Options and Fees
Full-School Resident Option (Includes 4 Nights Lodging*) [FSO]
- Training & materials for the entire school including:
— Opening Sessions
— (1) Main Track
— (1) Mini-Track
— (1) Tuesday Afternoon Plenary
— Closing Session
— Optional Extra Credit Evening Session(s)
- Lunches Monday through Friday and Breakfast Tuesday through Friday.
- Residential housing for Monday through Thursday night.
- Up to 34 Credit Hours based on attendance.
*Please note that there is a refundable $50 key deposit required at check-in (payable by cash only). The deposit will be returned at check-out.
Full-School Commuter Option [FSC]
- Training & materials for the entire school including:
— Opening Sessions
— (1) Main Track
— (1) Mini-Track
— (1) Tuesday afternoon Plenary
— Closing Session
— Optional Extra Credit Evening Session(s)
- Lunches Monday through Friday.
- Up to 34 Credit Hours based on attendance.
Main Track Only Resident Option (Includes 3 Nights Lodging**) [MTOR]
- Training & materials for the following:
— (1) Main Track
— Closing Session
— Optional Extra Credit Evening Session(s)
- Lunch and breakfast Wednesday through Friday.
- Residential housing Tuesday through Thursday night.
- Up to 18.25 Credit Hours based on attendance.
**Late housing check-in will be from 5-7 p.m. at Cornerstone Residence Hall. Please note that there is a refundable $50 key deposit required at check-in (payable by cash only). The deposit will be returned at check-out.
Main Track Only Commuter Option [MTOC]
- Training & materials for the following:
— (1) Main Track
— Closing Session
— Optional Extra Credit Evening Session(s)
- Lunch Wednesday through Friday.
- Up to 18.25 Credit Hours based on attendance.
Tuesday Only Commuter Option [TOC]
- Training & materials for the following:
— (1) Mini-Track
— (1) Tuesday Afternoon Plenary
— Optional Tuesday evening Extra Credit Session
- Lunch on Tuesday.
- Up to 8.75 Credit Hours based on attendance.
NCFADS School Registration Information
First, use the online registration form to complete the registration process and submit to NCFADS by 11:59 p.m., July 14, 2017.
On-Campus Residence Key Deposit
For on-campus residents during the Summer School, please note that there is a refundable $50 key deposit required at check-in (cash only). The deposit will be returned at check-out.
*Early enrollment is suggested since space is limited and courses are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. (Online registration is preferred and may expedite the process.)
For multiple registrations, a registration form for each participant must be completed and accompanied by payment and/or official authorizations. If you are registering for someone else, make certain all pertinent information is forwarded to him or her.
If you need assistance concerning online registration, please call 919-346-1735 (technical support provided by Empowered Ideas).
Helpful Tips
Since early registration is necessary to improve your chances of getting your top track choices, the following suggestions are offered:
— If you plan to stay at the Town Place Suites or Fairfield Inn, you must call directly to the hotels to get the negotiated rate. Identify yourself as a participant in the NCFADS Summer School.
— At the earliest possible date after receiving word the registration process is open, complete the online registration form. Online registration for all classes is preferred.
Do not assume that your registration form will be processed by your accounting office or an administrative official before the deadline date. To avoid delays, submit your form online to NCFADS and Email or Mail written approval statement from your supervisor while the agency is processing payment. In most cases, this can save you 3 to 4 weeks in getting registered.
USPS Mailing Address:
PO Box 722
Clayton, NC 27528
Review your completed registration form to assure the following:
— Your Main Track, Mini Track and Plenary choices have been indicated.
— All credit option choices have been selected.
— All demographic information is clearly printed or typed. A correct email address is necessary for receiving your credit certificates following the school.
— Payment or an authorization statement by an agency official or an approved purchase order or scholarship authorization must accompany each completed registration form.
— Participants seeking special accommodations due to a disability must contact the registration office by June 1, 2017.
Student Responsibilities
As a student of the school sponsored by the North Carolina Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Studies, you are requested to read and abide by the following statements:
— You should act as a professional when dealing with staff or others who are registered for the school.
— The use of alcohol and/or illicit drugs or the abuse of non-prescription drugs while at the school will not be tolerated. If such conduct is observed, NCFADS officials will ask for assistance from local law enforcement personnel. If the student is charged with a violation or continues to demonstrate behaviors detrimental to others or is considered disruptive to the mission of the school, NCFADS will immediately ask the student to leave the school; and will report the incident to the students’ employer.
— The use of physical means to settle a dispute will not be tolerated. If such conduct is used by a student(s), the NCFADS staff will ask for assistance by local law enforcement personnel. If the student is charged with a violation or continues to demonstrate behaviors detrimental to others or is considered disruptive to the mission of the school, NCFADS will immediately ask the student to leave the school; and will report the incident to the students’ employer.
— At the time of pre-registration, you should reveal to the NCFADS staff any serious medical condition which might cause problems while at the school. This will ensure that, in the event of an emergency, you may be treated with appropriate care by EMT or other medical professionals.
— Students, who, for what ever reason are taken to a local hospital or medical clinic for treatment, must arrange for any needed transportation.
— At the time of pre-registration, you will be asked to furnish the name of a family member or another designee as a contact person in case of an emergency.
— At the time of pre-registration, you will be asked for a current email and mailing address. The accuracy of your email address is necessary for receiving your credit certificate after the school.
Curriculum Credit Information
The Winter School has been designed to serve the needs of many professional groups. All types of school credit are included in the school cost. All choice(s) of credit must be indicated on the registration form during the pre-registration period.
Substance Abuse Professional Credit (SAC)
Application for approval has been made to the North Carolina Substance Abuse Professional Practice Board for up to 34 Substance Abuse Specific hours.
Public School Personnel Credit (PSP)
Certificates for up to 32.5 contact hours of education will awarded upon completion of the School.
Continuing Education Units (CEU’S)
Certificates for up to 32.5 contact hours / 3.2 Continuing Education Credits (CEU’s) will be awarded upon completion of the School.
National Board Certified Counselors (NBCC)
The North Carolina Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Studies (NCFADS) has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP no. 5673. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. NCFADS is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. As a minimum, each individual schedule must be comprised of a curriculum Main Track representing 15 hours. Participants must attend all track classes to receive the 15 hour track maximum. NBCC is also appropriate for those seeking LPC credits.
Contact Hours
Certificates reflecting up to 32.5 hours of Education will be awarded for Social Workers, Marriage/Family Therapists, and Nurses.
– – –
Appropriate credit for the Summer School will be awarded after eligibility has been determined from attendance records and in conjunction with the above stated attendance requirements.
*Monday evening extra credit sessions only approved for NCSAPPB credits.
For those who choose to stay off campus and attend the school as a commuter, the NCFADS Board has negotiated the following lodging discounts for you to choose from while at the 2017 Summer School:
Townplace Suites
305 Eastwood Road
Wilmington, NC 28403
Special Daily Rates of $79.00 + tax (single room).
Special group rates have been negotiated with the TownePlace Suites, 305 Eastwood Rd., Wilmington, NC, 28403. A rate of $79 plus tax is available for all NCFADS registrants. Registrations must be made by June 25, 2017. For reservations call: 910.332.3326 and state you are with the NC Alcohol & Drug School (NCFADS).
All lodging/housing arrangements must be made directly with Townplace Suites.
CLICK HERE to book your group rate for NC Drug & Alcohol School
Deadline: June 30th
Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott
307 Eastwood Road
Wilmington, NC 28403
Special Daily Rates of $92.00 + tax.
The Fairfield Inn & Suites (Eastwood Rd.) A special rate of $92 plus taxes is offered to the NCFADS Summer Drug & Alcohol School participants. For room reservations call: 910.791.8082 (Deadline: June 30th, 2017).
All lodging/housing arrangements must be made directly with Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott.
Deadline: June 30th
For Multiple Registrations
a registration form for each participant must be completed and accompanied by payment and/or official authorizations. If you are registering for someone else, make certain all pertinent information is forwarded to him or her.
Need Assistance?
If you need assistance concerning registration, please call the NCFADS office at 910-799-6594.
Participating in the NCFADS Summer School is a unique experience filled with professional development, exercise, networking, laughs, smiles and fun. Be sure to check out the FAQ’s below to help you prepare for your Summer School Experience.
How should I dress?
It is HOT! It is not uncommon to have temps in 90’s in late July and early August in Wilmington. Classrooms and dorms are air conditioned but the outside is not. During Summer School you will be walking across campus between classes, for meals and to the dorms. Please wear cool comfortable clothing and shoes.
How do I know where to go?
All students will first arrive at Warwick Center to check-in. Here you will receive your schedule and a map of campus. You can also click here to download the map now. There will also be signs directing you to Warwick Center once you arrive on Campus.
What are the meals like on Campus?
Monday and Friday lunches will be served with our opening and closing presentations in the Burney Center. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday lunches will be provided at Wagoner Hall. Wagoner is a cafeteria style dining hall which offers a wide variety of culinary and dietary options (including a variety of sandwiches, wraps, salads and pizzas, etc).
Beverages will be provided during the morning and afternoon breaks in the same building as your classes. Breakfast will also be available from 7am-8am in Wagoner Hall for dorm residents only.
Why would I choose to stay on Campus during Summer School?
SAVINGS, SAVINGS, SAVINGS: For only $80, a student can stay on campus and attend the NCFADS Summer School. Local hotels for the same duration will be more than $500!
What can I expect in my dorm?
- Bathrooms: Each student will share a bathroom with up to 6 other students of the same gender.
- Beds: Each participant will have a single room, which includes two twin beds (see photo). Bed linens will be provided.
- Towels: Each student will be provided 1 bath towel, 1 hand towel and 1 wash cloth for the week. If you would like additional towels, feel free to bring your own. Please do not remove these items from your your dorm. Students will be billed for missing items.
- Amenities: Rooms are air conditioned but they do not include a television or phone. Other amenities include FREE guest Wi-Fi access on campus and vending and ice machines.
- Key Deposit: Please bring $50 in the form of cash ONLY (no credit cards accepted) to the registration desk when you check-in for the Summer School. This is required by UNCW in order to pick up a key for your room and is mandatory.
Support NCFADS by Sponsoring and/or Exhibiting at the 2017 Summer School